
Art + Environment Conference

October 19–21, 2017 @ Nevada Museum of Art

Lauren Bon
Minerva Cuevas
Julie Decker
Harley K. Dubois
Bruno Fazzolari
Ana Teresa Fernández
Frohawk Two Feathers
William L. Fox
Nicholas Galanin
Lance Gilman
Marian Goodell
Larry Harvey
Jonathon Keats
Rem Koolhaas
Da-ka-xeen Mehner
Michael Mikel
JoAnne Northrup
Trevor Paglen
Will Roger Peterson
Crimson Rose
Dennis Scholl
Bonnie Ora Sherk
Bruce Sterling
Rubén Ortiz Torres
Allison Warden
Ann M. Wolfe

For three days (Thursday, October 19 through Saturday, October 21), the Nevada Museum of Art will present the 2017 Art + Environment Conference. Our guests will traverse time and space across the unsettled terrains, shifting frontiers, and limitless horizons of a super-region we call the Greater West.

The Greater West was the last part of the planet to be explored and settled by Homo sapiens. It spans the entire west coast of the Americas, from Alaska to Patagonia, and across the Pacific Basin to Australia and New Zealand. It is a geography of frontiers characterized by vast expanses of open land, rich natural resources, diverse indigenous peoples, colonialism, and the ongoing conflicts that inevitably arise when these factors coexist.

The Conference investigates this exploration in multiple overlapping spheres: the cultural tectonics of the New World from Alaska to Colombia; the radical self-reliance and civic evolution of Burning Man; the fluctuating ecotones of rural/urban land use; and outer space—the ultimate mirror for humanity’s aspirations.

  • Lead Sponsors
  • Odyssey Foundation

  • Major Sponsors
  • Barrick Gold
  • Switch

  • Supporting Sponsors
  • Lannan Foundation
  • Meg and Earl Tarble
  • The Satre Family Fund at the Community Foundation of Western Nevada

  • Sponsors
  • Kathie Bartlett
  • Peter E. Pool
  • Karyn and Lance Tendler


  • Thursday
    October 19
  • Friday
    October 20
  • Saturday
    October 21

Download Program


A block of hotel rooms has been reserved for Conference guests at three downtown Reno properties — all centrally located to the Nevada Museum of Art. Rates vary depending on weekday/weekend bookings and type of room.

To Make Reservations


  • → Early Bird Registration (through May 12, 2017) — $500*
  • *$100 will be deducted from each registration fee at the time of purchase.
  • → General Registration (May 13 – October 9, 2017) — $600

Register for Conference

Nevada Museum of Art | 160 West Liberty St | Reno, NV 89501

Donald W. Reynolds Center for the Visual Arts | E.L. Wiegand Gallery | © 2017