Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.
Food Photography for the Foodie

Food Photography for the Foodie

Class Meets: Wednesdays, August 27 to September 3

Foodies will explore lighting, composition, and food styling in a professional studio environment with local professional photographer, Jeff Ross. This class is great for food bloggers, restaurateurs, both amateur and professional chefs and photographers or just your average foodie! Students will need a digital SLR camera with manual control for shutter speed and aperture, computer (home or laptop) with image editing software, and a flash drive to transport images.

NOTE: Classes are taught off site at Jeff Ross’ professional studio and limited to ten students.

Instructor: Jeff Ross

Ages: 15 and Up / Intermediate Levels

Required Supplies: Digital slr with manual control for shutter speed and aperture, computer with image editing software, flash drive to transport images. Classes are held offsite at Jeff Ross’ studio (address will be provided to registered students).

Photography / Video
August 27, 2014 6 – 9 pm