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Figure Drawing on Toned Paper

Figure Drawing on Toned Paper

Mondays, September 14 – October 5 / 6 – 9 pm

This course will focus on a specific drawing technique developed during the 16th and 17th centuries throughout Europe. Students will work from posed nude male and female models and will receive individual instruction and technique.

Instructor: Martha Voyevidka
Ages: 18 and up / All levels

Required Supplies:
• 18 x 24” newsprint pad
• Masonite drawing board large enough to hold pad
• 2-4 clamps
• Additional toned papers (TBA)
• “Ebony” pencil
• “General’s” white charcoal pencil
• Kneadable and soft white erasers

September 14, 2015 6 – 9 pm