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Visiting Artist Workshop – Mimi Robinson: Local Color: Seeing Place through Watercolor

Visiting Artist Workshop – Mimi Robinson: Local Color: Seeing Place through Watercolor

Tuesday and Wednesday, October 11 and 12 / 10 am – 4 pm

Visiting artist, Mimi Robinson, author of Local Color: Seeing Place Though Watercolor, invites you to join her for a two-day workshop. This intensive workshop will guide students through the process of seeing, recording and creating the art of the color palette. Local Color, Seeing Place through Watercolor, will provide a framework for being sensitive to colors around us through various exercises inspired by local and urban settings, the grass beneath out feet, to the sky above to the places of our memories.  This is a class designed for students who want to learn the art of watercolor painting. Basic artistic concepts pertaining to the medium will be covered, such as color theory, transparency, value and composition. A fundamental, hands-on working knowledge of the medium and equipment will be addressed. This class is a guide for beginners, trained artists and designers alike. A copy of Robinson’s book, Local Color: Seeing Place Though Watercolor is included with registration.

NOTE: Class will meet inside the E.L. Cord Museum School on Day 1. Day 2 will include offsite fieldwork at a nearby location, to be announced during the first class.

Instructor: Mimi Robinson
Adult: (15+) Some watercolor experience reccomended

Required Supplies: 

Suggested Watercolors: Recommended Tubes 5ml (Brands are Winsor Newton, Daniel Smith, Holbein, Sennelier)  

  • *Lemon Yellow or Winsor Yellow
  • Cadmium Light
  • Prussian Blue
  • *Ultramarine blue
  • Permanent Rose
  • *Alizarin Crimson
  • *essential for class, please make sure you have at least 1 triad of primary colors (yellow, red and blue) 2 triads give you more options

Folding plastic palette, instructor prefers larger palettes, room to mix paint- ideally 10” x 10”

Brushes (½” flat and ¾ “) – Recommended: Princeton synthetic “Snap” are very moderately priced

Watercolor Paper: Arches 140 lb, cold press – 2 sheets of  18 x 24, or watercolor block minimum size 12’ x 15”


Roll of paper towels

2 water container (plastic jars with wide mouth are great)

White artist tape (not blue painters tape, throws off your color!)

Pencils, erasers, and sharpener (recommended: H or HB for drawing under watercolors)

Portable stool for working outside (optional)

Sketchbook small enough to carry easily for notes and sketches in field

If you have materials that you like to work with please bring them along!


October 11, 2016 10 am – 4 pm