The Café will be closed for remodel from Aug 12 through Sept 5, 2024. | Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.

Painting Intensive: The Portrait in Oil or Acrylic

Students will be introduced to portrait painting techniques in this weekend intensive. Instructor will cover such topics as using a two-color palette, value scales, keying a painting, as well as, using both line and mass to create a portrait. Students may use acrylic or oil paint.

Saturday and Sunday, March 5 and 6
9 am – 2:00 pm

Instructor: Daniel Helzer
Ages: 15 and up / All Levels

Supply list: Show email confirmation at Nevada Fine Arts for a 10% discount.

  • Oil/Acrylic colors:
  • White
  • Black
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Yellow (Hansa Yellow, Cadmium Yellow or something similar)
  • Assortment of brushes.
  • Red (Cadmium Red, Alizarin Crimson or something similar)
  • Palette knife, paper towels and a few canvas boards, 8×10 or bigger.

For Oils: Gamsol, tourpintine or walnut oil for use as a brush medium or cleaner.


Painting: Open Studio

Students will enjoy developing their painting techniques and skills in this observational open studio class.  Weekly subject matter will rotate between nude and clothed models and still-lifes. Each class will begin with brief instruction followed by an open studio format painting class. Students may use acrylic or oil paint. Dry media is also welcome.

Sundays, January 30 – February 13
9 am – noon

Instructor: Daniel Helzer
Ages: 18 and up | All Levels

Supply list: Show email confirmation at Nevada Fine Arts for 10% discount. 

Color recommendations are as follows though all mediums are welcome for this open studio class.

  • Titanium White
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Cadmium Red Medium or Light
  • Lemon or Cadmium Yellow
  • Light Yellow Ochre
  • Burnt Sienna
  • Selection of brushes
  • Pallet
  • Palette knife
  • Painting Board or Canvas
  • Container/jar water and brushes
  • Paper towels
  • Cheap Plastic Ruler
  • Gamsol mineral spirits (if working in Oil)


Painting Intensive: Landscapes from Photographs in Oil or Acrylic

Working in oil or acrylic paint, students will explore value divisions in landscapes and the basics of brush sketching and massing. With these skills students will learn how to relate color to value and will gain a better understanding of identifying spatial cues in a landscape. Using foundational skills students can then explore under-painting, glazing and dry-brushing techniques.

Saturday and Sunday, February 26 and 27
9 am – 2:00 pm

Instructor: Daniel Helzer
Ages: 15 and up | All Levels

Supply list: Show email confirmation at Nevada Fine Arts for a 10% discount.

  • Canvas Board 16×12 or smaller
  • Palette Knife
  • Palette
  • Paper Towels
  • Selection of bristle brushes (small, med and large)
  • Assortment of brushes.
  • Palette knife, paper towels and a few canvas boards, 8×10 or bigger.

Paint Colors:

  • Cobalt Blue
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Thalo Blue
  • Dioxazine Purple
  • Cadmium Red Light
  • Cadmium Yellow or Hansa Yellow
  • Burnt Sienna
  • Titanium White

For Oils: Gamsol, turpentine or walnut oil for use as a brush medium or cleaner.

Watercolor Skyscapes

Join this class to learn how to paint a variety of skies in watercolor. Using mostly wet in wet approach, we will focus on several different types of skies, including multiple variations on clouds, stormy/rainy sky, early morning calm sky and sunsets. 100% cotton paper is highly recommended for wet in wet approach. 

Wednesday, February 9 and 16
5 – 9 pm

Instructor: Iva Neveux
Ages: 15 and Up | All Levels

Supply List: Show your confirmation at Nevada Fine Arts for a 10% discount. 

Watercolor pallet including your preferred reds, yellows, blues including indigo and earths including burnt sienna & burnt umber

Watercolor brushes including a 1” flat and a #6 OR # 8 round Brushes 

  • Graphite or mechanical pencil
  • Kneaded eraser
  • Tracing paper
  • 2 plastic water containers
  • Spray bottle with water
  • Pad of Arches cold press 140 lb watercolor paper (9”x12” or larger), other 100% cotton brands will also work (Daler Rowney, Bee Paper, Winsor Newton).
  • Roll of paper towels

Color Theory and Mixing Pigments in Watercolor

Watercolors are admired for their unique quality – translucence. Learn more about the pigments on your palette and experiment with mixing your own colors to keep the beautiful luminosity of the medium. This class explores color mixing, tonal values, color theory, painting with triads and learning how to avoid muddy mixes. Students will also learn about origins of pigments

Wednesday, January 19
5 – 9 pm

Instructor: Iva Neveux
Ages: 15 and Up | All Levels

Supply list: Show email confirmation at Nevada Fine Arts for a 10% discount. 

Your personal watercolor pallet

Paper: 2 sheets 11 x 15 inches, 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper (paper can be purchased from the instructor during class for $2 a sheet; we will use 2 or 3 sheets) 

  • Brushes: ½ or ¾ inch flat brush
  • Roll of paper towels
  • Drawing pencil
  • Kneaded eraser
  • 2 Plastic water containers 


Introduction to Watercolors

This class is designed for anyone who would like to explore the medium of watercolor without the commitment! Experiment with techniques such as glazing, masking, wet on wet, hard edges and much more. Find out if watercolor is for you. This class is also good for beginners who would like to play with watercolor techniques in an instructive setting. No experience necessary.

Wednesday, January 12
5 – 9 pm

Instructor: Iva Neveux
Ages: 15 and up | All levels

Northern Lights in Watercolor

The northern lights, also known as the aurora borealis, have always been a fascinating subject for painters, photographers, and observers. In this class we will capture the beauty of this phenomenon with watercolors. 

We will first explore the greens, yellows and dark blues that work best for the northern lights. We will be using mostly the wet in wet approach. In the later stages of the painting the wet on dry approach and lifting will be used. 100% cotton paper is highly recommended. This class is dedicated to Neal Brown, admirer and researcher of the aurora. 

Monday, December 13
5 – 9 pm

Instructor: Iva Neveux
Ages: 15 and Up | All Levels

Supply list:

Watercolor pallet including your preferred: yellows, blues, indigo, permanent red or permanent magenta, and viridian or phthalocyanine green.

Variety of watercolor brushes including: 1” flat, #6, # 8 or #12 round.


Watercolor: Open Studio

This intermediate level open studio class is designed for returning students and experienced students. Students should have a personal work in progress to work towards completing in this fun and social series. Each class will begin with a short lesson addressing a challenge or technique followed by open studio time to continue work on personal projects. Instructor will be on hand to assist with challenges, offer critique, instruction, and encouragement.

Thursdays, January 6 and 13
noon – 4 pm 

Instructor: Carroll Charlet
Ages: Adult (15+) | Intermediate and Advanced Watercolor Students

Supply list: Show email confirmation at Nevada Fine Arts for a 10% discount. 

Please bring any supplies you own for your specific project. A recommended basic supply list is as follows: 

  •  Watercolors: Cobalt Blue, Phthalo Blue, Lemon Yellow, Alizarin Crimson, Magenta, Sap Green, New Gamboge, Yellow Ochre. (Cotman or Van Gogh is fine; Windsor Newton is excellent)
  • Your personal watercolor pallet
  • 2 HB Pencils
  • Watercolor Brushes: #6 & #10 Round (Silver/Black brand is recommended and available at Nevada Fine Arts)
  • Pad of Arches 140# cold press watercolor paper
  • Roll of paper towels
  • 2 Plastic water containers.

Winter Break Camp: Intro to Painting

Using color and shape, this camp will focus on a different style of painting each day. Students will learn new techniques along with basic color theory and create a different piece of art each day ranging from lifelike to abstract.

Monday – Thursday, December 20 – 23
1 – 4 pm

Instructor: Meredith Durand
Ages: 7 – 12 | All Levels

Autumn Leaves in Watercolor

Capture the beauty of autumn leaves with watercolors. Using the watercolor techniques of wet on wet, wet on dry and lifting, students will learn to create pictures and cards using a loose and expressive approach. This class is open to all levels, beginners are welcome.

Monday, November 1
5 – 9 pm

Instructor: Iva Neveux
Ages: 15 and Up | All Levels

Supply List:

  • Your personal watercolor pallet including your several different reds, yellows, greens, blues including indigo and earths including burnt sienna & burnt umber
  • If you are a beginner getting ready to purchase your first watercolor paints:
  • Watercolor brushes including a 1” flat and a #4 and # 8 or #10 round brushes
  • Graphite or mechanical pencil
  • Kneaded eraser
  • Tracing paper
  • 2 plastic water containers
  • Pad of Arches cold press 140 lb watercolor paper (9”x12” or larger), other 100% cotton brands will also work (Daler Rowney, Bee Paper, Winsor Newton).
  • Roll of paper towels