The Café will be closed for remodel from Aug 12 through Sept 5, 2024. | Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.

Serigraphy: Screen Printing with Stencils

Saturdays, August 15 and 22 / 10 am – 4 pm

A fun and easy way to learn screen printing technique with a simple stencil you cut from contact paper. Students will be introduced to a brief history of screen printing, essential tools and materials, and be familiar with simple registration and basic stencil screen printing technique. No printing experience is required.

Instructor: Quynh Tran
Ages: 15 and up / all levels

Supply list:
– X-acto Knife
– Sketch book
– Masking tape (2 inches)
– Tracing paper
– Pencils & Sharpie pen

Students are encouraged to bring images/sketch that they would like to use for the class. Students can bring additional papers of choice (minimum card stock quality).

Linocuts: An Intro to Typography, Layout and Design

Wednesdays, June 17 – July 1 / 5:30 – 8:30 pm

Students will be introduced to and become familiar with Type terminology, a little history, letter anatomy, layout, composition, linocut carving and printing. We?ll explore the typographic grid, the importance of visual hierarchy, layout, and linocut block printing. Supply List: Student can bring toner prints (backwards) of their designs to class if they choose. Any inspirational imagery should also be included. Any additional papers can be brought. Students can also bring their favorite lettering, phrases, words in a backwards toner printed form.

Instructor: Kelly Wallis
Ages: 15 and up / All levels

Letterpress Printing from Photopolymer Plates

Tuesdau, July 7  / 6 – 8 pm -and- Saturday, July 18  / 10 am – 4 pm

Design and print your own business cards or personal stationery on the letterpress. Photopolymer plates allow one to letterpress print from any digital file. In the evening session of this class on July 7, letterpress printer Katherine Case will give students a step by step guide to creating a letterpress-ready PDF file. We will discuss the in’s and out’s of printing from photopolymer plates and look at lots of handouts and examples. Students will then email their own PDF’s to a service bureau (there will be a fee of $60-$75 each) to get photopolymer plates made. On day-two, Saturday, July 18, clas will meet at Meridian Press, Katherine’s letterpress studio in SW Reno to print individual polymer plates on a Vandercook letterpress. While we are printing everyone’s work, students will learn how to lock up, ink and print. No letterpress experience is required. Some design experience is required to create the personalized pdf for the polymer plate.

Supply List: Pencil, 18” metal ruler, Xacto knife, bookbinding awl, bone folder, medium and large binder clips, 1” glue brush.

Instructor: Katherine Case
Ages: 15 and Up / Some design experience

Printing Techniques: Hand Carved Woodblock

Saturday and Sunday, June 6 and 7 / 10 am – 2 pm

Inspired by the exhibitions “Betsabee Romero: In Transito” students will explore the basics of woodcut prints. Participants will learn about the tools and techniques used in carving woodblocks and will then learn the basic techniques of hand printing them. By the end of the class, participants will have created their own iconic woodcut and print.

Instructor: Candace Nicol
Ages: 15 and up / All levels

The Collagraph Book: Techniques in Printmaking and Bookmaking

Tuesdays, April 14 – May 12 / 6 – 9 pm

This class will combine the art of collagraph printmaking and bookmaking. Students will learn how to make their own collagraph plates, learn intaglio printmaking techniques, and learn to bind their own hand-made journal using the collagraph plates and prints. Students will also learn to bind their book and sew edges using a Coptic stitch technique.

Supply List:

  • 4 sheets Rives BFK lightweight paper
  • Xacto knife 
  • 12” ruler old toothbrushes for inking
  • 3 tubes of colors (your favorite) Charbonnel Etching Inks 
  • Small bottle of Elmers glue 
  • Small bottle of PVA (polyvinyl acetate) glue 
  • Copies of images or computer printouts, magazine images or other paper art used for collage 
  • Scraps of lace, yarn, textured papers, cheese cloth, stickers
  • Book Binder needle 
  • 4-ply waxed linen thread (color your choice)

Instructor: Candace Nicol
Ages:15 and Up / All Levels