The Café will be closed for remodel from Aug 12 through Sept 5, 2024. | Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.

Bugs and Botanicals in Ink and Watercolor

Insects have been used in botanical illustrations since the 1800’s. They are also fun to paint on their own. Using watercolor and ink, learn to capture the beautiful iridescent colors of the insect kingdom. This class is appropriate for all levels.

Tuesday, July 2
10 am – 3 pm

Instructor: Carroll Charlet
Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels

Required Supplies:
•    Basic Watercolor Set (paint and brush)
•    Small round 10-well pallet
•    Fine tip waterproof black ink pen (Micron 005 or equal)
•    Graphite or mechanical pencil
•    Kneaded rubber eraser
•    Two plastic water containers
•    Watercolor Paper, 140 lb *
    *single sheets of watercolor paper may be purchased     during class for $2.00/sheet

For questions regarding supplies, please contact  

*Materials available at Nevada Fine Arts (mention registration for 10% discount)

Stylized Insects and Flowers in Acrylic

Using bold colors, modern patterns and engaging compositions, students will use acrylic paint combined with colored pencil to create stylized insect and flower paintings. In this two-day intensive, student will work with basic drawing skills, contouring lines, loose gridding and blocking techniques to layout the portraits on wooden panels. Final pieces will be completed in acrylic. Each student can expect to complete two 18” x 24” wooden panels in this workshop.
All materials are provided with registration.  Students may work from a selection of provided photos or are welcome to bring their own photos for reference.

Thursday and Friday, June 13-14
9 am – 12:30 pm

Instructor:Emily Reid
Ages:Adults (15+) All levels

Watercolor: Irises

Capture the beauty of spring Irises.  Using the techniques of wet on wet watercolors, students will  learn to create pictures and cards using a loose and expressive approach.  This class is open to all levels.

Thursday, June 27
5 – 9 pm

Instructor: Iva Neveux
Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels

Supplies: Basic watercolor set (paint and brush) and a sack lunch.

Watercolor: Irises

Capture the beauty of spring Irises.  Using the techniques of wet on wet watercolors, students will  learn to create pictures and cards using a loose and expressive approach.  This class is open to all levels.

Wednesday, June 12
10 – 2 pm

Instructor: Iva Neveux
Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels

Supplies: Basic watercolor set (paint and brush) and a sack lunch.

Watercolor: Tips, Tricks and Techniques

No middle-value blah paintings here!  Learn some of the fun techniques used when painting with watercolors, including masking sections of your work to “save the white,” creating various textures, and pushing those values. Together we will practice and create small samples of various techniques for you to refer to later.

Saturday, June 29
10 – 4 pm

Instructor: Ronnie Rector
Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels

Supply List:
•    Artist-quality watercolors and brushes, including 3” or 4” Hake brush and an inexpensive rigger for masking.
•    Watercolor paper – 2 ½ sheets of Arches 140 lb. cold press highly recommended – buy 1 full 22”x30” sheet and cut it in half for two 15”x22” sheets
•    Foam core or other stiff board to mount paper to
•    Masking tape
•    Masking fluid
•    1 clean baby food jar or similar small container with secure lid
•    Paper towels
•    Generously sized container for water
•    1 sheet graphite transfer paper
•    Ball-point pen for tracing image (suggest blue or red to see where you’ve traced)
•    Spray bottle for water (small Windex bottle works great)

Book Arts: Folds and Findings

Join us for this fun and informative class exploring a variety of book making techniques. Both experienced and beginning book arts students are encouraged to attend. This introductory class explores both the form and content of the book with consideration to its movement, alternate readings, and potential sculptural effects. The lotus fold invokes play and experimentation; lending itself to discovery and surprise in both the maker and viewer. Students will leave with their own finished artist book!  

Saturday and Sunday, June 8 and 9
10 am – 2 pm

Instructor: Kellee Morgado
Ages: Adults (15+) / All Levels

Supply List:
-sack lunch
-notebook and preferred writing implement (optional)

Introduction to Watercolors

This class is designed for anyone who would like to explore the medium of watercolor without the commitment.  Learn techniques such as washes, glazing, wet on wet and much more.  Find out if watercolor is for you.  The class is great for beginners who would like to experiment with watercolor techniques in an instructive setting. Open to all levels, beginners welcome.

Sunday, June 23 / 10 am – 2 pm

Instructor: Iva Neveux
Ages 15 and Up / All Levels

Supply list: All materials included.

Please bring a sack lunch.

Natural Illustration: Feathers in Watercolor

In this intermediate to advanced level class, students will learn the basics of natural illustration drawing with a focus on feathers and watercolor. Students will learn about feather composition, creating a three-series drawing of three chosen feathers. Some feather specimens will be provided to draw from life along with photo reference materials. *Basic understanding of watercolor is advised.

Saturday, June 15  / 10 am – 3 pm

Instructor: Sophie Banspach
Ages: Adults (15+) / Intermediate/Advanced levels

Supply List:

•    Watercolors: Cadmium Red, Cobalt or Ultramarine Blue, Cadmium Yellow Light, Yellow Ochre, Alizarin Crimson, Sap Green, Chromium Oxide Green, Raw Sienna, Burnt Umber, Pro White. (Cotman or Van Gogh is fine; Windsor Newton is excellent)
•    Your personal watercolor pallet
•    2 HB Pencils
•    Watercolor Brushes: #0 or 1 with good point, #3, #7, #10 Round
•    9 x 12” 140lb cold press watercolor paper
•    Roll of paper towels
•    2 Plastic water containers.
•    Magnifying glass
•    Optional: Specimens or reference images from your own collection

Summer Intensive: Linocut Techniques

Tuesday – Thursday, August 21 – 23 / 10 am – 3 pm

Beginners and intermediate printmakers alike will enjoy this project-based approach to linoleum-cut printmaking. Learn several techniques for multicolor printing as well as how to carve simple, beautiful patterns and images into linoleum. We will print using Japanese hand printing techniques and on the etching press. Students will be able to work from their own images at their own pace. Katherine will cover strategies for working with key blocks and tint blocks, developing pattern and choosing images that lend themselves especially well to this process. Students will complete this class with a small edition of handcut prints. You’ll learn all about the tools, techniques and resources you need to be begin linoleum carving and printing at home.

Supply list: Pencil, any 5×7 black and white images (photocopies or laser prints) you may be interested in using for a print (some will also be provided), linoleum or wood carving tools if you have them. All other materials are included with your registration.

Instructor: Katherine Case
Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels

Photography: Composition and Techniques

Tuesday – Thursday, August 1 – 3 / 1 – 4 pm

Take your photographs to the next level by learning proper composition and photography techniques. Students will learn the different ways to compose landscapes, still lifes and people, while also learning different techniques such as High Dynamic Range (HDR), panoramic stitching, long exposures, proper posing for people, working with photo filters and lighting terminology.

Instructor: MD Welch
Ages: Adult (15+) / Some familiarity with camera functions

Supply List:
A DSLR or mirrorless camera, as well as their camera’s manual and any lenses that students own should also be brought to class. A fully charged battery and memory card are also necessary for class. A tripod and shutter release cable are highly recommended.