“We Were Lost in Our Country" will be temporarily closed Feb. 4 – 7 as part of the Museum’s expansion efforts. The exhibition will reopen on Saturday, Feb. 8

Scott Hinton on Robert Adams’s American Landscapes

Robert Adams’ photographs of the American landscape became some of the most famous of the twentieth century. Join photographer Scott Hinton for a gallery discussion of Adams’ most recent body of work, a portfolio of images made in Oregon’s Nehalem Bay State Park.

Land Art and The Nature Conservancy

The Nature Conservancy in Nevada has been working with artists Daniel McCormick and Mary O’Brien to restore the channels of the Carson and Truckee River systems with living sculptures. Learn about the scope and purpose of these projects form leaders of The Nature Conservancy.

Art Bite: Wildlife Ecologist Kelley Stewart on the History of Conservation and Hunting in North Amer

North American wildlife conservation is unique in the world. In the U.S., wildlife belongs to the public and is managed by the state and federal government in the public trust, based on a model of conservation largely established and funded by hunters. Learn about this conservation history in the context of the exhibition Late Harvest.