“We Were Lost in Our Country" will be temporarily closed Feb. 4 – 7 as part of the Museum’s expansion efforts. The exhibition will reopen on Saturday, Feb. 8

First Thursday with Musical Guest Kat Heart

First Thursday returns loud and proud with live music presented in partnership with Loud As Folk, a regional singer-songwriter showcase. Featuring musical guest Kat Heart and host Spike McGuire. Meet up with friends for this long-standing monthly tradition of live music, beer and plenty of fun.

Powered by Tesla and sponsored by Northern Nevada Regional MLS Additional support by Great Basin Brewing Company

First Thursday with Musical Guests Adrian + Meredith

First Thursday returns loud and proud with live music presented in partnership with Loud As Folk, a regional singer-songwriter showcase. Featuring musical guests Adrian + Meredith and host Spike McGuire. Meet up with friends for this long-standing monthly tradition of live music, beer and plenty of fun.

Turning Pages Book Club: Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer

Join Museum volunteer docents for a discussion that connects the book Braiding Sweetgrass by Robin Wall Kimmerer with work on view in the Museum. Following a group discussion, participants can enjoy a guided tour exploring correlations between the book and the exhibitions. Complete the book prior to meeting. Arrive early to place a lunch order with the Café! Space is limited and advance registration is recommended. Book available for purchase through the Museum Store.

Questions for discussion:

1. Why do you think the author was presenting scientific and Indigenous teaching side by side for us to examine?

2. The author explains how things in nature can be animate (living) and inanimate (not living). What was your reaction to this viewpoint that everything is alive? Does it change your opinion on the role of plants in our everyday lives?

3. “Skywoman Falling” is an Indigenous story of Creation. How would you compare or contrast this story to the account of Creation told in Genesis? Do you agree with the author that Eve “got the short end of the stick?”

4. A major theme throughout the book is reciprocity – that people, the land and environment depend on each other – and this relationship is sacred. Do you think Kimmerer was successful in explaining this to the reader? What do you wish she had explained further? What aspects of your life embrace this theme?

5. According to the author, what is the purpose of “ceremony?” How could you apply Kimmerer’s definition of “ceremony” to ceremonies you have witnessed or participated in during your own life?

6. As a follow up to the above, in “Allegiance to Gratitude,” Kimmerer talks about the Thanksgiving Address. Describe who and/or what your Ceremony of Greeting would give thanks to?

7. Was there anything you learned from Braiding Sweetgrass about Native/Indigenous cultures that you found surprising? Please share an example.

8. What was your favorite chapter or quote from the book?

CANCELED: Northern Nevada New Teacher Fall Celebration Reception & Discussion Panel

NOTE: This event has been canceled. 

For additional information or questions please contact the Northwest Regional Professional Development Program: Carrie Hair or Kylie Maddy

The Northwest Regional Professional Development Program in partnership with the Nevada Museum of Art would like to invite new teachers in the first three years of their careers to be celebrated during a reception with appetizers and cash bar followed by a panel discussion offering support to new teachers. There will also be vendor tables and opportunities to network with the Northern Nevada education community.

Turning Pages Book Club: Beloved by Toni Morrison

Join Museum volunteer docents for a discussion of Toni Morrison’s book Beloved. Explore themes of identity, trauma and cultural survival, while making connections to the exhibition In Frequencies and the work of artist Sydney Cain. Participants should have completed the book prior to meeting. Register online for guiding questions that will be discussed at the book club. Arrive early to place a lunch order with the Café! Space is limited, advanced reservations are recommended.

Questions for discussion:

  • Beloved has been classified as historical fiction, a study of generational trauma, a coming-of-age novel, and a ghost story. Which one of these do you think fits the most?
  • What particular themes and motifs stood out to you?
  • There is much suffering and shame in the lives of the characters, but there are also scenes of blessings and grace. When do these happen?
  • How does Morrison’s writing style reinforce the theme that the past is always alive in the present?
  • Beloved is often at the top of a banned book list. It is most often taught in Advanced Placement English. What do you think this book has to offer young adults?
  • Early in Part 1, Amy Denver tells Sethe, “Anything dead coming back to life hurts.” What do you think of this statement?
  • What do you make of the names that Morrison chose for her characters? How do they reinforce the theme?
  • Do look at Sydney Cain’s work differently as a result of reading this book? 


Early Childhood Education Meet-up

Educators are invited to this meet-up to explore art and early childhood education together in person at the Museum. Participants will visit a selection of art with a focus on possibilities for young children to develop a relationship with art. 

Please register in advance for the ECE Meet-up. For questions, please contact Leah Sanders, Educational Consultant or Terry Randolph, Program Manager, Truckee River Child Development Center.

Nevada Registry approved (1 ½ hours for participating in the Early Childhood Education Meet-up) or CEU credit hours are available.


Virtual Early Childhood Education Roundtable

Educators are invited to these FREE monthly informative roundtables incorporating and following the Educator Evenings. These Zoom discussions provide participants an opportunity to further discuss the presented topics as they relate to early childhood education.

Please register for the ECE Roundtable.  The zoom link for the Roundtable will be sent with your registration confirmation. For questions, please contact Leah Sanders, Educational Consultant or Terry Randolph, Program Manager, Truckee River Child Development Center.

Nevada Registry approved (2 hours for completing the Educator Evening and ECE Roundtable) or CEU credit hours are available.

Virtual Early Childhood Education Roundtable

Educators are invited to these FREE monthly informative roundtables incorporating and following the Educator Evenings. These Zoom discussions provide participants an opportunity to further discuss the presented topics as they relate to early childhood education.

Please register for the ECE Roundtable.  The zoom link for the Roundtable will be sent with your registration confirmation. For questions, please contact Leah Sanders, Educational Consultant or Terry Randolph, Program Manager, Truckee River Child Development Center.

Nevada Registry approved (2 hours for completing the Educator Evening and ECE Roundtable) or CEU credit hours are available.

Virtual Early Childhood Education Roundtable

Educators are invited to these FREE monthly informative roundtables incorporating and following the Educator Evenings. These Zoom discussions provide participants an opportunity to further discuss the presented topics as they relate to early childhood education.

Please register for the ECE Roundtable.  The zoom link for the Roundtable will be sent with your registration confirmation. For questions, please contact Leah Sanders, Educational Consultant or Terry Randolph, Program Manager, Truckee River Child Development Center.

Nevada Registry approved (2 hours for completing the Educator Evening and ECE Roundtable) or CEU credit hours are available.

Virtual Early Childhood Education Roundtable

Educators are invited to these FREE monthly informative roundtables incorporating and following the Educator Evenings. These Zoom discussions provide participants an opportunity to further discuss the presented topics as they relate to early childhood education.

Please register for the ECE Roundtable.  The zoom link for the Roundtable will be sent with your registration confirmation. For questions, please contact Leah Sanders, Educational Consultant or Terry Randolph, Program Manager, Truckee River Child Development Center.

Nevada Registry approved (2 hours for completing the Educator Evening and ECE Roundtable) or CEU credit hours are available.