“We Were Lost in Our Country" will be temporarily closed Feb. 4 – 7 as part of the Museum’s expansion efforts. The exhibition will reopen on Saturday, Feb. 8

Virtual Early Childhood Education Roundtable

Educators are invited to these FREE monthly informative roundtables incorporating and following the Educator Evenings. These Zoom discussions provide participants an opportunity to further discuss the presented topics as they relate to early childhood education.

Please register for the ECE Roundtable.  The zoom link for the Roundtable will be sent with your registration confirmation. For questions, please contact Leah Sanders, Educational Consultant or Terry Randolph, Program Manager, Truckee River Child Development Center.

Nevada Registry approved (2 hours for completing the Educator Evening and ECE Roundtable) or CEU credit hours are available.

Virtual Early Childhood Education Roundtable

Educators are invited to these FREE monthly informative roundtables incorporating and following the Educator Evenings. These Zoom discussions provide participants an opportunity to further discuss the presented topics as they relate to early childhood education.

Please register for the ECE Roundtable.  The zoom link for the Roundtable will be sent with your registration confirmation. For questions, please contact Leah Sanders, Educational Consultant or Terry Randolph, Program Manager, Truckee River Child Development Center.

Nevada Registry approved (2 hours for completing the Educator Evening and ECE Roundtable) or CEU credit hours are available.

Virtual Early Childhood Education Roundtable

Educators are invited to these FREE monthly informative roundtables incorporating and following the Educator Evenings. These Zoom discussions provide participants an opportunity to further discuss the presented topics as they relate to early childhood education.

Please register for the ECE Roundtable.  The zoom link for the Roundtable will be sent with your registration confirmation. For questions, please contact Leah Sanders, Educational Consultant or Terry Randolph, Program Manager, Truckee River Child Development Center.

Nevada Registry approved (2 hours for completing the Educator Evening and ECE Roundtable) or CEU credit hours are available.

Virtual Early Childhood Education Roundtable

Educators are invited to these FREE monthly informative roundtables incorporating and following the Educator Evenings. These Zoom discussions provide participants an opportunity to further discuss the presented topics as they relate to early childhood education.

Please register for the ECE Roundtable.  The zoom link for the Roundtable will be sent with your registration email confirmation. For questions, please contact Leah Sanders, Educational Consultant or Terry Randolph, Program Manager, Truckee River Child Development Center.

Nevada Registry approved (2 hours for completing the Educator Evening and ECE Roundtable) or CEU credit hours are available.

Virtual Educator Evening: Abstraction and the Environment

Early 20th century artist Adaline Kent drew inspiration from nature, in particular, the High Sierra, a landscape that infused her work as she translated her experience of time and space in the mountains into abstracted form. Join Curator of Learning and Engagement, Megan Bellister, as she explores connections Kent and other artists have made between the landscape and an abstract art practice while discovering interdisciplinary classroom applications. 
Materials Needed: Paper, Ruler, Pen or Pencil
Educator Evenings are a FREE professional development series hosted virtually offering state-approved professional development hours for participation. Professional development hours are available for participating in the Educator Evenings and issued upon request.
Educator Evenings are sponsored by the Robert Z. Hawkins Foundation, Bank of America and the Nell J. Redfield Foundation.
STEAM education programs at the Nevada Museum of Art are sponsored by Tesla and Waste Management.

Virtual Educator Evening: Exploring Art and Literacy with Doodles Academy

Art can be a powerful tool for building knowledge and understanding around content-rich literacy topics. Classroom teachers will explore opportunities to offer highly engaging, learning pathway to their students with Doodles Academy, an online resource for educators. Join Founder and Executive Director, Tempest NeuCollins, for an introduction to Doodles Academy and discussion about the intersections of art and literacy. 

Materials Needed: Paper, Pen or Pencil

Educator Evenings are a FREE professional development series hosted virtually offering state-approved professional development hours for participation. Professional development hours are available for participating in the Educator Evenings and issued upon request.
Educator Evenings are sponsored by the Robert Z. Hawkins Foundation, Bank of America and the Nell J. Redfield Foundation.
STEAM education programs at the Nevada Museum of Art are sponsored by Tesla and Waste Management.

Virtual Educator Evening: Making Things That Matter with Lisa Yokana

Educators will explore the differences between designing for and designing with others. Participants will run through a quick and fun design challenge at home with STEAM educator, Lisa Yokana, to identify and develop solutions to real-world challenges utilizing concepts of “maker-centered learning.”

This program is hosted virtually on Zoom:
Meeting ID: 851 1665 6095
Passcode: 124280

Suggested tools and prototyping materials for this month’s Educator Evening. Please note that you do not need all of these supplies. These are merely some optional suggestions. Look around your house and grab anything that looks interesting!


  • Scissors 
  • Exacto knife and cutting surface
  • Hot glue gun-if you have one

Prototyping materials:

  • Popsicle sticks 
  • Cardboard 
  • Construction paper 
  • Tape
  • Glue stick  
  • Wire  
  • Toothpicks  
  • Chopsticks  
  • Pipe cleaners
  • Paper clips
  • Plastic spoons, knives or forks
  • Paper or plastic cups
  • Paper towel or toilet paper roll

Educator Evenings are a FREE professional development series hosted virtually offering state-approved professional development hours for participation. Professional development hours are available for participating in the Educator Evenings and issued upon request.

Educator Evenings are sponsored by the Robert Z. Hawkins Foundation, Bank of America and the Nell J. Redfield Foundation.

STEAM education programs at the Nevada Museum of Art are sponsored by Tesla and Waste Management.

Virtual Educator Evening: Cultivating Community with Fallen Fruit

David Allen Burns and Austin Young make up the artist collective “Fallen Fruit.” Together, they create beautiful spaces where audiences can enjoy museum collections in new, unexpected ways. Currently they are installing a community garden at the Nevada Museum of Art called “A Monument to Sharing.” Join us in a conversation with the artists as we explore ways in which fruit can inform ideas of place and generational knowledge, a sense of connectedness and our capacity to share the world with others. 
Join us live on Zoom:
– Meeting ID: 849 8656 9084
– Passcode: 909049
Educator Evenings are a FREE professional development series hosted virtually offering state-approved professional development hours for participation. Professional development hours are available for participating in the Educator Evenings and issued upon request.
Educator Evenings are sponsored by the Robert Z. Hawkins Foundation, Bank of America and the Nell J. Redfield Foundation.
STEAM education programs at the Nevada Museum of Art are sponsored by Tesla and Waste Management.

Sunday Brunch

Sunday Brunch at the Museum Café is the perfect precursor to an afternoon exploring our galleries. Chef Colin Smith has updated the menu to include an eclectic array of options from traditional breakfast fare to lunch options–both of which pair nicely with juice, coffee, champagne or a mimosa. Doors open at 10:30 am and service continues until 2:30 pm. Enjoy a live musical performance by Colin Ross from 11:30 – 2:30. Reservations are required for parties of four or more, but encouraged for all as space is limited. Museum members receive 10% savings as a benefit of membership. Call the Café at 775.284.2921 for more information. 

Sunday Brunch

Sunday Brunch at the Museum Café is the perfect precursor to an afternoon exploring our galleries. Chef Colin Smith has updated the menu to include an eclectic array of options from traditional breakfast fare to lunch options–both of which pair nicely with juice, coffee, champagne or a mimosa. Doors open at 10:30 am and service continues until 2:30 pm. Reservations are required for parties of four or more, but encouraged for all as space is limited. Museum members receive 10% savings as a benefit of membership. Call the Café at 775.284.2921 for more information.