The Café will be closed for remodel from Aug 12 through Sept 5, 2024. | Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.

The Folk & the Lore: How Did I Get Here?

From the creative mind of Jessi LeMay comes the storytelling and narrative filmmaking project The Folk & the Lore. This multimedia project aims to collect, archive, and tell stories from Reno and throughout the region through photography, short films, and live storytelling events that will be held regularly at the Nevada Museum of Art. Together, we believe that when you know your neighbor’s story, not only do you feel more connected to your community, but those stories become part of your own. Join this event for an evening of storytelling and films based on migrant and immigrant stories of how we all end up in different places. Doors open at 5pm for social hour and chez louie cash bar. Stories begin at 6pm.

Cedra Wood on A Residency on Earth

In hyper realistic paintings that portray herself and others in exotic settings and dreamlike, mythical, puzzling, or sometimes threatening situations, artist Cedra Wood explores the strangeness of the world and our encounters with it.

Sonja Hinrichsen on Sierra Nevada Snow Drawings

Artist Sonja Hinrichsen creates large scale participatory drawings in snow fields around the world, most recently near Sagehen Creek Field Station north of Truckee, California. Learn about the ideas behind Hinrichsen’s snow drawings, and her engagement with the Sierra Nevada as a drawing site.

David Taylor and Marco Ramírez ERRE on Photographing the U.S.-Mexico Border

Artists David Taylor and Marco Ramírez ERRE collaborated on photography projects documenting the US-Mexico Border and its contested history. Join them for a discussion of their work and the social and cultural issues raised by their images.

Artist and Game Designer Dave Beck

Learn about the natural world of North American environments explored by French Voyageurs two hundred years ago with game designer and artist Dave Beck from the University of Wisconsin, Stout. Beck’s designs of the historical environments of the Voyageur era helps us learn about history and nature in a game platform.

Meet the Artist: Megan Berner’s Arctic Artist Residency

Artist Megan Berner presents about an artist residency she completed inside the Arctic Circle during the summer solstice in June 2015. She will talk about her experience sailing around the Norwegian archipelago of Svalbard, and her new series of work based on ice, light, and wind.

Tahoe in the Future: Why the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency Matters

Leaders from the Tahoe Regional Planning Agency discuss the history, mission, and purpose of this unique organization charged with protecting Lake Tahoe’s environment today and for future generations.

Overflow Seating: Maya Lin: What is Missing and Lake Tahoe

A limited number of overflow seats in a simulcast space for the talk by artist and architect Maya Lin are now available. Don’t miss her talk as she describes her memorial project What is Missing? and its relationship to her commissioned artworks featured in the exhibition Tahoe: A Visual History.

The Folk & the Lore: Stories of Lake Tahoe

Originally scheduled for Thursday, November 19, the Stories of Lake Tahoe event has been rescheduled for Friday, December 19 at 6pm.

The Folk & the Lore focuses its attention on Lake Tahoe and brings together a handful of live and digitally recorded storytellers to share their interesting, compelling, funny, and poignant tales.

Meet the Artist: Tom Killion on Prints and Printmakers of Lake Tahoe

Join printmaker Tom Killion for a discussion and presentation about the history of the prints and printmakers who have made work about Lake Tahoe.

Educational and public programming sponsored by Dorothy Lemelson