Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.

Box Making: Three Drawer Box

Not only for housing books, hand made boxes have a variety of functions. This course will teach the basics of decorative box construction. Students will create a durable and lasting box with three drawers. The instructor will provide one of a kind hand marbled fabrics for students to choose from, with which to cover their box.


By mastering the basic template for this box model, students will gain the necessary skills for other varieties of boxes, while also enhancing their bookbinding skills. The instructor will bring a sample collection of boxes for discussion of aesthetics and design to be used throughout the workshop.

Wednesday, July 8
10 am – 5 pm

Instructor: Pietro Accardi
Ages: Adult (15+) / All levels


Covid 19 Museum School Policies:

– All students will be requested to wear a mask for the duration of their visit inside the Museum school. Mask will be provided upon request.

– Please exercise social distancing when in close proximity to other students and staff. Class sizes and seating arrangements have been changed to allow for 6 feet of social distance.

– Please note, snacks and drinks will no longer be distributed during class. Students are encouraged to bring their own personal water bottle and snack if needed to class.

– Please do not attend class if you or anyone in your household (including anyone who you have experience close contact with over the last 14 days) are feeling ill. To request a refund or options to reschedule please email Jen.Henry@nevadaart.org

Textile Marbling on Scarves

In this 2 day workshop students will create their own  marbled designs on 3 different silk scarves. During the first day we will discuss and practice patterns and color combinations that work well for marbled silk scarves. Students will have ample practice time to experiment and develop their vision in the standard marbling tray before moving on to the large scarf tray. Day two we will prepare two 20” x 72” trays for the silk. Students will take turns on these trays to execute each scarf with the assistance of the instructor.

Thursday and Friday, August 20 and 21
10 am – 5 pm

Instructor: Pietro Accardi
Ages: Adult (15+) / All levels

Mastering the Elements of the Landscape – Sky and Clouds in Oils (Virtual Course)

In order to paint the landscape well, the artist must understand the light that fills it and how it affects the appearance of it.  This class will focus on the painting various types of skies and clouds, the source of that light. Students who have taken the Landscape Basics class will benefit, but it is not a prerequisite. Students will learn why the sky is blue and why that matters when painting the landscape, how to paint different types of clouds in a variety of lighting situations and how clouds affect light and add drama and interest to an otherwise ordinary scene. 

Wednesdays, August 5 – 26
10 am – noon

Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels
Instructor: Mike Callahan

VIRTUAL CLASS INFO: This class will be held online through Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent to registrants the day before class begins. While the class will be held virtually, your registration will include admission to the Museum. You are encouraged to visit the Museum during normal Museum hours.


Paint: Note: If you already have a set of oil paint with a variety of colors, you are welcome to bring it, if not you should get the following colors:
M. Graham brand 
Zinc White (37ml), Titanium White (37ml), Hansa Yellow (37ml), Quinacridone Rose (37 ml), Phthalocyanine Blue (37 ml)

Thinner: Weber Turpenoid (pint) or similar artist’s grade odorless mineral spirits. 

Medium: M. Graham Walnut Oil (4oz)

Containers: Silicoil cleaning jar or other small glass jar with sealable lid (for thinner)
Small can such as olive can (for medium)

Synthetic Brights OR Filberts: Silverbrush Bristlon #2, #4, and #10
Connoisseur Pure Synthetic, #2, #4, and #10
Or any quality hog bristle in those sizes if the student already owns their own brushes.

Painting or Palette knife: (steel is preferable to plastic)

Disposable Palette: New Wave Disposable Palette (grey) or similar

Brush Cleaner: The Masters Brush Cleaner and Preserver 2.5 oz

4- Stretched Canvases or Canvas Panels (9”x12”, 11”x14, or 12”x16” – larger sizes than these not recommended due to time constraints)

Roll of absorbent paper towels (i.e. Viva or Blue Shop Towels)

Optional: Nitrile gloves

Approximate cost of above items $100- $120

Impressionist Inspired Oil Painting: Looking at Childe Hassam (Virtual)

One of the best ways to learn posthumously from a master painter is to paint a “master copy”. That is, study the painting intently, look at how the artist handled the subject and manipulated the paint. Try to get inside the artist’s head and figure out why the artist emphasized one thing over another. Then, paint a copy of it.  In doing so, you’ll potentially learn what it took for the artist to produce a particular work, what steps he may have followed, which parts were difficult and which were easier.  In the end, you’ll have a broader understanding and perhaps a technique or two you’ll be able to employ in your own future painting endeavors and, you’ll have your very own actual painting of a master work to hang on your wall and enjoy forever!

In this workshop, instructor Mike Callahan look at the work of of American Impressionist, Childe Hassam, specifically his painting “The South Ledges, Appledore” currently on view at the Museum.  He’ll give a brief overview of the Hassam’s life and discuss the period in which he created this particular painting. Virtually, instructor Mike will do a demonstration showing how he thinks the artist painted it as you, the student, follow along painting your own.  

By the end of the second day of this workshop, you will have painted your own painting that you can proudly display on your wall impressing both family and friends!

VIRTUAL CLASS INFO: This class will be held online through Zoom. A Zoom link will be sent to registrants the day before class begins. While the class will be held virtually, your registration will include admission to the Museum. You are encouraged to visit the Museum on your own prior to the start of the class to view the Childe Hassam’s painting, “The South Ledges, Appledore” in person. 

Saturday and Sunday, August 1 and 2
10 am – 2 pm

Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels, some experience helpful
Instructor: Mike Callahan


Paint: Note: If you already have a set of oil paint with a variety of colors, you are welcome to bring it, if not you should get the following colors:

M. Graham brand 

Titanium White (37ml) Hansa Yellow (37ml), Quinacridone Rose (37 ml), Phthalocyanine Blue (37 ml)

Thinner: Weber Turpenoid (pint) or similar artist’s grade odorless mineral spirits. 

Medium: M. Graham Walnut Oil (4oz)

Silicoil cleaning jar or other small glass jar with sealable lid (for thinner)

Small can such as olive or tuna can (for medium)

Synthetic Brights OR Filberts: Silverbrush Bristlon #2, #4, and #10
Connoisseur Pure Synthetic, #2, #4, and #10
Or any quality hog bristle in those sizes if the student already owns their own brushes.

Painting or Palette knife (steel is preferable to plastic)

Disposable Palette
New Wave Disposable Palette (grey) or similar

Brush Cleaner
The Masters Brush Cleaner and Preserver 2.5 oz

Stretched Canvas or Canvas Panel 20”x24″

Roll of absorbent paper towels (i.e. Viva or Blue Shop Towels)

Optional: Nitrile gloves

Approximate cost of above items $100- $120

Clay: Earthworks

Create decorative and functional pottery in this six-week class designed for the beginner as well as those who have taken intermediate pottery classes in the past.  Students will learn how to work with clay in both hand building, and wheel-throwing techniques. Finishing methods such as decorating, stamping, painting, and staining will be introduced as well as the discussion and practice of firing and glazing of clay works. Stoneware clay will be used and cone 6 and cone 06 glazes will be available.  All firings will be done by the museum in an electric kiln. All materials are provided.

Tuesdays, August 18 – September 22
6 – 9 pm

Instructor: Karen Vetter
Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels

Portrait Drawing

Improve your portrait drawing skills and explore a variety of media in this fun and encouraging class. Students will learn to draw portraits from live, clothed models. Students will be taught classic drawing techniques using line, value and composition while focusing on the head, facial expression, hands and overall pose. 

Tuesdays, August 4 – 25
1 – 4 pm

Instructor: Jerry Stinson
Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels

Supply list: 

Suggested Supplies: The following are suggested basic supplies

– Drawing board – 20”x 26” or larger (light-weight masonite works best)
– Newsprint pad – 18”x 24” – rough surface recommended
– Bull dog clamps or similar to attach pad to board
– Medium and Support Items:
– Vine charcoal, thin and fat pieces
– Large kneaded eraser
– Pink pearl eraser
– Portable pencil sharpener or utility knife (best for soft/medium pencils)
– Clean small rags
– Sandpaper pad for sharpening drawing mediums
– Stumps for blending (optional)

Limited Pallet Pastel Drawing

Learn or improve your drawing skills and explore using a limited pallet of pastels in this fun and encouraging class. Students will be taught classic drawing techniques using line, value and composition while focusing on color. 

Tuesdays, July 7 -28
1 – 4 pm

Instructor: Jerry Stinson
Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels

Supply list:

Suggested Supplies: The following are suggested basic supplies

– Drawing board – 20”x 26” or larger (light-weight masonite works best)
– Newsprint pad – 18”x 24” – rough surface recommended
– Bull dog clamps or similar to attach pad to board
– Medium and Support Items:
– Vine charcoal, thin and fat pieces
– Large kneaded eraser
– Pink pearl eraser
– Portable pencil sharpener or utility knife (best for soft/medium pencils)
– Clean small rags
– Sandpaper pad for sharpening drawing mediums
– Stumps for blending (optional)


*pastels provided by instructor

Covid 19 Museum School Policies:

– All students will be requested to wear a mask for the duration of their visit inside the Museum school. Mask will be provided upon request.

– Please exercise social distancing when in close proximity to other students and staff. Class sizes and seating arrangements have been changed to allow for 6 feet of social distance.

– Please note, snacks and drinks will no longer be distributed during class. Students are encouraged to bring their own personal water bottle and snack if needed to class.

– Please do not attend class if you or anyone in your household (including anyone who you have experience close contact with over the last 14 days) are feeling ill. To request a refund or options to reschedule please email Jen.Henry@nevadaart.org

Life Drawing: Open Studio

Improve your life drawing skills and explore a variety of media while working freely from a nude model in this popular open studio class. The instructor will be present to coordinate class and offer instruction upon request. Both male and female models will be posed and drawn.

Wednesdays, August 5 -26
6 – 9 pm

Instructor: Jerry Stinson
Ages: Adults 18+ (15+ with instructor approval) / All Levels

The following are suggested basic supplies – all media are welcome, so please bring whatever supplies you need for whichever media you are using.
– Drawing board – 20”x 26” or larger (light-weight masonite works best)
– Newsprint pad – 18”x 24” – rough surface recommended
– Bull dog clamps or similar to attach pad to board
– Medium and Support Items:
– Vine charcoal, thin and fat pieces
– Choice of conte crayon, 6B graphite pencil or sticks, china marker, compressed charcoal, carbon pencils, or any suitable medium for drawing on newsprint
– Large kneaded eraser
– Pink pearl eraser
– Portable pencil sharpener or utility knife (best for soft/medium pencils)
– Clean small rags
– Sandpaper pad for sharpening drawing mediums
– Stumps for blending (optional)

Life Drawing: Open Studio

Improve your life drawing skills and explore a variety of media while working freely from a nude model in this popular open studio class. The instructor will be present to coordinate class and offer instruction upon request. Both male and female models will be posed and drawn.

Wednesdays, July 8 -29
6 – 9 pm

Instructor: Jerry Stinson
Ages: Adults 18+ (15+ with instructor approval) / All Levels

The following are suggested basic supplies – all media are welcome, so please bring whatever supplies you need for whichever media you are using.
– Drawing board – 20”x 26” or larger (light-weight masonite works best)
– Newsprint pad – 18”x 24” – rough surface recommended
– Bull dog clamps or similar to attach pad to board
– Medium and Support Items:
– Vine charcoal, thin and fat pieces
– Choice of conte crayon, 6B graphite pencil or sticks, china marker, compressed charcoal, carbon pencils, or any suitable medium for drawing on newsprint
– Large kneaded eraser
– Pink pearl eraser
– Portable pencil sharpener or utility knife (best for soft/medium pencils)
– Clean small rags
– Sandpaper pad for sharpening drawing mediums
– Stumps for blending (optional)

Covid 19 Museum School Policies:

– All students will be requested to wear a mask for the duration of their visit inside the Museum school. Mask will be provided upon request.

– Please exercise social distancing when in close proximity to other students and staff. Class sizes and seating arrangements have been changed to allow for 6 feet of social distance.

– Please note, snacks and drinks will no longer be distributed during class. Students are encouraged to bring their own personal water bottle and snack if needed to class.

– Please do not attend class if you or anyone in your household (including anyone who you have experience close contact with over the last 14 days) are feeling ill. To request a refund or options to reschedule please email Jen.Henry@nevadaart.org

Life Drawing: Open Studio

Improve your life drawing skills and explore a variety of media while working freely from a nude model in this popular open studio class. The instructor will be present to coordinate class and offer instruction upon request. Both male and female models will be posed and drawn.

Thursdays, August 6 – 27
1 – 4 pm

Instructor: Jerry Stinson
Ages: Adults 18+ (15+ with instructor approval) / All Levels

The following are suggested basic supplies – all media are welcome, so please bring whatever supplies you need for whichever media you are using.
– Drawing board – 20”x 26” or larger (light-weight masonite works best)
– Newsprint pad – 18”x 24” – rough surface recommended
– Bull dog clamps or similar to attach pad to board
– Medium and Support Items:
– Vine charcoal, thin and fat pieces
– Choice of conte crayon, 6B graphite pencil or sticks, china marker, compressed charcoal, carbon pencils, or any suitable medium for drawing on newsprint
– Large kneaded eraser
– Pink pearl eraser
– Portable pencil sharpener or utility knife (best for soft/medium pencils)
– Clean small rags
– Sandpaper pad for sharpening drawing mediums
– Stumps for blending (optional)