Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.

Limited Pallet Pastel Drawing

CANCELED: Learn or improve your drawing skills and explore using a limited pallet of pastels in this fun and encouraging class. Students will be taught classic drawing techniques using line, value and composition while focusing on color.

Tuesdays, May 5 -26
1 – 4 pm

Instructor: Jerry Stinson
Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels

Supply list:

Suggested Supplies: The following are suggested basic supplies

– Drawing board – 20”x 26” or larger (light-weight masonite works best)
– Newsprint pad – 18”x 24” – rough surface recommended
– Bull dog clamps or similar to attach pad to board
– Medium and Support Items:
– Vine charcoal, thin and fat pieces
– Large kneaded eraser
– Pink pearl eraser
– Portable pencil sharpener or utility knife (best for soft/medium pencils)
– Clean small rags
– Sandpaper pad for sharpening drawing mediums
– Stumps for blending (optional)


*pastels provided by instructor

Drawing Nature

CANCELED: Learn or improve your nature drawing skills and explore a variety of media in this fun and encouraging class. Students will be taught classic drawing techniques using line, value and composition while focusing on the elements of drawing nature.

Tuesdays, April 7 -28
1 – 4 pm

Instructor: Jerry Stinson
Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels

Supply list:

Suggested Supplies: The following are suggested basic supplies

– Drawing board – 20”x 26” or larger (light-weight masonite works best)
– Newsprint pad – 18”x 24” – rough surface recommended
– Bull dog clamps or similar to attach pad to board
– Medium and Support Items:
– Vine charcoal, thin and fat pieces
– Graphite Pencils
– Large kneaded eraser
– Pink pearl eraser
– Portable pencil sharpener or utility knife (best for soft/medium pencils)
– Clean small rags
– Sandpaper pad for sharpening drawing mediums
– Stumps for blending (optional)

Book Arts: Articulated Binding – An Indestructible Cover

CANCELED: An indestructible cover, inspired by Italy’s 1970’s solution to the Yellow Pages in public phone booths, this 360-degree flexible binding offers many advantages because it bends and does not break! It offers visual and tactile delight, employing strips of articulated boards and marbled fabric. In this workshop, instructor Pietro Accardi will instruct students in the art of this rare binding technique. Students will create a large and small articulated blank journal that can beautifully withstand the ravages of time. All materials provided.

Monday, May 11
10 am – 5 pm

Instructor: Pietro Accardi
Ages: Adults (15+) / All levels*
*some book arts experience is helpful but not required

Screens in the School: Roman Holiday

Free! Come join us at the E.L. Cord Museum School for a night of movie fun! This March we are screening the classic movie Roman Holiday starring Audrey Hepburn and Gregory Peck. Participants will screen-print movie posters, watch the movie and engage in lively discussions with local cinephiles!

Friday, March 13
6 – 9 pm

Hosted by the E.L. Cord Museum School
Ages: 15 and Up or accompanied by a parent

Introduction to Landscape Photography

CANCELED: Students new to landscape photography or those looking to sharpen their skills will enjoy this introductory level course. The first day of class will be spent in the classroom exploring camera gear and functions along with the tips and tricks to create dynamic landscape images. Students will review composition techniques along with shooting in different times of day. The second class will meet offsite to shoot in the field during the transition from the golden hour to twilight where students will apply the techniques learned to create their own artistic vision.

Tuesday – Thursday, April 28 and 30
*April 30 class will meet offsite
6 – 9 pm

Instructor: MD Welch
Ages: Adult (15+) / All levels

Supply list: 
A DSLR or mirrorless camera, as well as their camera’s manual and any lenses that students own should be brought to class. A fully charged battery and memory card are also necessary for class. Please also bring a tripod and shutter release cable.

Photography: Composition and Techniques

Take your photographs to the next level by learning proper composition and photography techniques. Students will learn the different ways to compose landscapes, still lifes and people, while also learning different techniques such as High Dynamic Range (HDR), panoramic stitching, long exposures, proper posing for people, working with photo filters and lighting terminology.

Tuesday and Wednesday, March 3 and 4
10 -2 pm

Instructor: M.D. Welch
Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels

Supplies: A DSLR or mirrorless camera, as well as their camera’s manual and any lenses that students own should also be brought to class. A fully charged battery and memory card are also necessary for class. Please also bring a tripod and shutter release cable.

Introduction to Figure Drawing

CANCELED: Students will be taught traditional drawing techniques while focusing on the structure and form of the body. Classroom instruction and drawing exercises without a live model will happen in the first couple weeks of class and will culminate in classroom instruction and drawing from a live nude model. Individual instruction and critique are fundamental to this course. Beginning students will learn the fundamentals while returning students will be able to improve on and refine their skill.

Mondays, April 20 – May 25
6 – 9 pm

Instructor: Alejandro Marin
Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels


Supply List:

• Charcoal Pencils or Sticks 2B-6B Soft & Medium, 1 White Charcoal Pencil
• Graphite Pencils HB, B, 2B, 4B, 6B, 8B
• Pencil Sharpener or knife
• Kneaded Eraser, Pink Eraser
• Paper Blending Dowels (Various Sizes)
• Newsprint Pad
• Heavyweight White Drawing Paper

Girls’ Night Out: Wind Chimes or Mobiles

CANCELED: Bring your friends and spend a fun and relaxed evening with us making art and drinking wine! This month we will be creating unique wind chimes or mobiles. Bring old friends, meet new ones and have a great night over a glass (or two!) of wine and a fun project designed for all skill levels. A fun and affordable girls night out!

Saturday, May 23
6 – 8:30 pm

Instructor: Reena Spansail
Ages: Adult (21+) / All Levels

Supply List: All materials will be supplied.

Girls’ Night Out: Watercolor Galaxies or Night Skies

Bring your friends and spend a fun and relaxed evening with us making art and drinking wine! This month we will be creating watercolor galaxies and night skies. Bring old friends, meet new ones and have a great night over a glass (or two!) of wine and a fun project designed for all skill levels. A fun and affordable girls night out!

Saturday, July 11
6 – 8:30 pm

Instructor: Reena Spansail
Ages: Adult (21+) / All Levels

Supply List: All materials will be supplied.

Covid 19 Museum School Policies:


– All students will be requested to wear a mask for the duration of their visit inside the Museum school. Mask will be provided upon request.

– Please exercise social distancing when in close proximity to other students and staff. Class sizes and seating arrangements have been changed to allow for 6 feet of social distance.

– Please note, snacks and drinks will no longer be distributed during class. Students are encouraged to bring their own personal water bottle and snack if needed to class.

– Please do not attend class if you or anyone in your household (including anyone who you have experience close contact with over the last 14 days) are feeling ill. To request a refund or options to reschedule please email Jen.Henry@nevadaart.org

Intro to Digital Illustration

CANCELED: Learn the basics of the Procreate app while using an iPad Pro. The class will be focused on what each tool does and how to utilize them to create finished digital illustrations, typography and short form animations. 

Sunday, May 24
9 am – noon

Instructor: Joe Morales
Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels

Supplies: An iPad Pro and Procreate software is will be provided for students to use during class time.