Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.

Summer Intensive: Tapestry Weaving for Beginners

Tuesday – Thursday, June 13 – 15 / 8:30 am – noon

Students learn the basics of weaving on Day 1. On Day 2 & 3, students will work towards the completion of a sampler and a small wall hanging (4″ x 10″). Registration includes a $40 material fee which includes the pattern, yarns and a lap loom for the students to keep.

Supply List: Materials provided by instructor and included in registration.

Instructor: Toni Lowden
Ages: Adults (15+) / All levels


Life Drawing: Open Studio

Wednesdays, June 7 – 28 / 6 – 9 pm

Improve your life drawing skills and explore a variety of media while working freely from a nude model in this popular open studio class. The instructor will be present to coordinate class and offer instruction upon request. Both male and female models will be posed and drawn.

Instructor: Jerry Stinson 
Ages: Adults (18+) / All Levels

The following are suggested basic supplies – all media are welcome, so please bring whatever supplies you need for whichever media you are using. 
– Drawing board – 20”x 26” or larger (light-weight masonite works best) 
– Newsprint pad – 18”x 24” – rough surface recommended 
– Bull dog clamps or similar to attach pad to board 
– Medium and Support Items: 
– Vine charcoal, thin and fat pieces
– Choice of conte crayon, 6B graphite pencil or sticks, china marker, compressed charcoal, carbon pencils, or any suitable medium for drawing on newsprint 
– Large kneaded eraser 
– Pink pearl eraser
– Portable pencil sharpener or utility knife (best for soft/medium pencils)
– Clean small rags 
– Sandpaper pad for sharpening drawing mediums 
– Stumps for blending (optional)

Summer Intensive: Plaster and Image Transfer

Monday – Friday, June 26 – 30 / 9 am – 12 pm

Ancient and earthy, plaster is a beautiful surface to hold mixed media painting of all types. Texture is easily achieved and organic forms are simply created with this unusual medium. Students will explore using both Plaster of Paris and plaster infused fabric to create multi-layered two-dimensional paintings and three-dimensional sculptures and structures. Once the structures and paintings are constructed in plaster, students will learn various mixed media techniques and multiple ways to transfer images onto the surfaces. Everyone will come away with unique projects and an understanding of how to use plaster to enhance mixed media work.

Instructor: Jess Weems
Ages: Adults (15+) / All levels

Supply List:

  • Images/Papers/Text/Maps to collage: This can be anything on medium-weight to tissue-weight paper, even napkins!
  • Photocopied Images/Text/Papers: To transfer these must be toner-based PHOTOCOPIES from a copy shop (Staples, Kinkos, etc.) of any images/text/maps/illustration. Laser prints should also work. Ink-based images WILL NOT TRANSFER! Must be toner! Transferring will FLIP/MIRROR the images so get them mirror-flipped when photocopying to fix this.
  • All other materials included with registration.

CANCELED: Summer Intensive: Photography – Composition and Techniques

Monday – Friday, June 19 – 23 / 9 am – 12 pm

Take your photographs to the next level by learning proper composition and photography techniques. Students will learn the different ways to compose landscapes, still lifes and people, while also learning different techniques such as High Dynamic Range (HDR), panoramic stitching, long exposures, proper posing for people, working with photo filters and lighting terminology.

Instructor: MD Welch
Ages: Adult (15+) / Some familiarity with camera functions

Supply List:
A DSLR camera, as well as their camera’s manual and any lenses that students own should also be brought to class. A fully charged battery and memory card are also necessary for class. A tripod and shutter release cable are highly recommended.

Summer Intensive: Impressionistic Landscapes in Watercolor

Tuesday – Thursday, August 1 – 3 / 10 am – 2 pm

Impressionism seeks to convey the experience and feeling of place. learn to capture the visual impression of a landscape in light, shape and color. While this class is open to students of all levels of skill, some watercolor experience is recommended.

Supply list: 

  • Watercolor Kit to include the following colors: Cobalt Blue, Phthalo Blue, Lemon Yellow, Alizarin Crimson, Magenta, Sap Green, New Gamboge, Yellow Ochre. (Cotman or Van Gogh is fine; Windsor Newton is excellent)
  • Plastic studio pallet with at least 10 paint wells.
  • 2 HB Pencils
  • Watercolor Brushes:  #6 & #10 Round (Silver/Black brand is recommended and available at Nevada Fine Arts)  and 1/2″ or 1″ flat brush
  • Pad of Arches 140# cold press watercolor paper. (Single pieces can be purchased from the instructor during class for $2 each)
  • Roll of paper towels
  • 2 Plastic water containers.                                                  
  • Please mail questions to carrollcharlet@sbcglobal.net. All supplies are available at Nevada Fine Arts. Mention registration for 10% discount.

Instructor: Carroll Charlet
Ages: Adult (15+) / Some watercolor experience

Botanical Illustration: Summer Bouquet

Wednesday, August 16 / 9 am – 2 pm

Using the colorful blossoms of Summer as subject matter, this class will explore the world of botanical illustration. Explore basic drawing, composition ink and watercolor techniques to capture the beauty of the season. This class welcomes beginners and students from previous botanical workshops.

Instructor: Carroll Charlet
Ages: Adult (15+) / All levels

Supply List: 

  • Basic watercolor kit
  • No 8 or No 6 pointed watercolor brush
  • 140 lb tablet of cold press watercolor paper (hot press for more advanced students)
  • Micron black ink pens 005 and 01
  • Sketch pad, pencil and eraser

Supply list questions – carrollcharlet@sbcglobal.net
*Materials available at Nevada Fine Arts (mention registration for a 10% discount)

Bugs and Blossoms in Ink and Watercolor

Wednesday and Thursday, July 12 and 13 / 9 am – 12 pm

NOTE: This class is now sold out. Please contact claire.munoz@nevadaart.org to be placed on the wait list.

Learn to combine the texturing of ink and the vibrancy of watercolor to create whimsical works with focusing on bugs and beautiful blossoms.  Students will work from photo subjects or may bring their own preliminary sketches.  No experience necessary. *Supply list.

Instructor: Carroll Charlet
Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels

Color Studies in Watercolor

Saturday, August 19 / 9 am – 1 pm

Translucence is at the heart of watercolor painting. Learn to chart and mix your colors to keep the beautiful luminosity of the medium. This class includes color charting both wet and dry, mixing triads for unusual color, and learning to combine warm and cool hues. An excellent class for both the beginner and advanced student.

Instructor: Carroll Charlet
Ages: 15 and Up / All Levels

Supply List:

  • Your personal watercolor pallet. If you are a beginner please contact Carroll* for pallet suggestions. 
  • 2 sheets 11 x 15 140 lb cold pressed watercolor paper (Paper can be purchased from the instructor during class for $2 a sheet as we will use 2 or 3 sheets). 
  • Roll of paper towels 
  • Drawing pencil 
  • Kneaded eraser 
  • 2 Plastic water containers 
  • #6 or #8 round brush (Silver/Black Velvet brush recommended – available at Nevada Fine Arts) 

*Please e-mail questions to carrollcharlet@sbcglobal.net

Summer Intensive: Batik Papers for Books, Boxes and Cards

Tuesday – Thursday, June 13 – 15 / 9 am – 3 pm

Create beautiful books and cards using the Javanese tradition of batik. With tjanting tools in hand, participants will dip into melted wax and draw lines, shapes, and letters on papers which will later be brightly painted with dyes. Wax will be ironed out, and the papers are then ready for measuring, cutting, and folding into unique projects. Adding words comes next with the introduction and practice of a monoline alphabet style. You will be delighted with the process and your artworks!

Instructor: Carol Pallesen
Ages: Adults (15+) / All levels

Supply List:

  • Pencil
  • Eraser & sharpener
  • Bone folder
  • Ruler (12″ or 18″ metal, cork-backed ruler)
  • Watercolor and/or sumi brushes (whatever you have, in a variety of sizes)
  • Inexpensive brushes in 1″ and/or 2″ size (available in hardware stores for less than a dollar)
  • X-acto knife and cutting surface
  • Scissors
  • Water jar
  • Gloves (if you’re concerned about dye stains on your hands; they wash off in a day or so)
  • An old rag, and/or an old sponge
  • Wear grubbies and/or apron
  • Pigma pen (01 black; other colors and brands are fine)
  • Practice paper (a few sheets about 8½″ x 11″ or 9″ x 12″, thin enough to see guidelines through; I like Strathmore 300 Sketch)
  • An extra-fine gold and/or silver metallic pen
  • Any line drawings or patterns which you might find inspiring while you make your wax lines on the papers (I’ll bring some ideas to share with you)
  • One full roll of paper towels
  • Scratch paper (about 40 – 50 sheets of 8½” x 11” or a bit larger, used computer or xerox paper: reduce, recycle, reuse!)
  • A shoe box lid or similar (helpful to carry dyes on lid from my table to yours in the classroom)
  • Pointed nib and nib holder (such as a Nikko G or Zebra nib)
  • Gold, silver, and/or white gouache and mixing dish
  • Two sheets of Arches text wove paper, 26″ x 40″
  • Water container to rinse out brushes (large yogurt or similar plastic container; lightweight and you can pack other items in it for travel)
  • Glue stick (I like UHU)
  • Cutting surface: about 8″ x 10″ or 9″ x 12″ (self-healing mat or scrap of matboard or whatever you have)

Please contact Carol, 775-329-6983 or email carol.pallesen@gmail.com with supply questions or if you need to borrow something.

Summer Intensive: Portrait Sculpture – A Beginning Approach

Monday – Friday, July 17 – 21 / 1 – 4 pm

Portrait Sculpture: A Beginning Approach is an introductory course designed to introduce the student to a three-dimensional approach to clay portraiture.  Students will learn the basic anatomy of the human head including, but not limited to the “string technique” of realism, and textures as well as the detailed sculpting of facial features such as eyes and ears, and the mouth and nose.  Students will be encouraged to work in life-size measurements from specific resources (e.g. a live model or photo reference) or may elect to create a bust from their imagination.  Students will sculpt their busts in an oil-based clay.  Mold-making and casting methods will be discussed in order that students may work toward final mold and casting selections (i.e. plaster, bronze, etc.) if desired. All materials included with registration. 

Instructor: Hans Kelly Somey
Ages: Adult (15+) / All levels