Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.

Painting: Open Studio

Sundays, May 1 – 22 / 1 – 4 pm

Students will enjoy developing their painting techniques and skills in this observational open studio class.  Weekly subject matter will rotate focus between portrait painting, observational painting from nude and clothed models and still-lifes. Each class will begin with brief instruction followed by an open studio format painting class. Students may use acrylic or oil paint. Dry media is also welcome.

Instructor: Daniel Helzer
Ages: Adults (15+) / All Levels

Supply List:

  • Color recommendations are as follows: Titanium White, Ultramarine Blue, Cadmium Red Medium or Light, Lemon or Cadmium Yellow, Light Yellow Ochre, Burnt Sienna, Viridian Green, Burnt Sienna
  • Selection of brushes
  • Pallet
  • Palette knife
  • Painting Board or Canvas 
  • Container/jar water and brushes
  • Paper towels
  • Cheap Plastic Ruler
  • Gamsol mineral spirits (if working in Oil)

Watercolor: Open Studio

Fridays, April 29 – May 20 / 9 am – noon

Beginning and experienced students will enjoy this four-week open studio format watercolor series. Students are invited to bring works in progress or begin new projects in this fun and social series. Each class will begin with a short lesson addressing a challenge or technique followed by open studio time to continue work on personal projects. Instructor will be on hand to assist with challenges, offer critique, instruction and encouragement.

Supply List: Please bring any supplies you own for your specific project. A recommended basic supply list is as follows:

  • Watercolors: Cobalt Blue, Phthalo Blue, Lemon Yellow, Alizarin Crimson, Magenta, Sap Green, New Gamboge, Yellow Ochre. (Cotman or Van Gogh is fine; Windsor Newton is excellent)
  • Your personal watercolor pallet
  • 2 HB Pencils
  • Watercolor Brushes: #6 & #10 Round (Silver/Black brand is recommended and available at Nevada Fine Arts)
  • Pad of Arches 140# cold press watercolor paper
  • Roll of paper towels
  • 2 Plastic water containers.

Instructor: Carroll Charlet
Ages: Adult (15+) / All Levels

Life Drawing: Open Studio

Thursdays, June 2 – 23 / 1 – 4 pm

Improve your life drawing skills and explore a variety of media while working freely from a nude model in this popular open studio class. The instructor will be present to coordinate class and offer instruction upon request. Both male and female models will be posed and drawn. *Supply list.

Instructor: Jerry Stinson
Ages: Adults (18+) / All Levels

Life Drawing: Open Studio

Thursdays, April 7 – 28 / 1 – 4 pm

Improve your life drawing skills and explore a variety of media while working freely from a nude model in this popular open studio class. The instructor will be present to coordinate class and offer instruction upon request. Both male and female models will be posed and drawn.

Instructor: Jerry Stinson 
Ages: Adults (18+) / All Levels

The following are suggested basic supplies – all media are welcome, so please bring whatever supplies you need for whichever media you are using. 
– Drawing board – 20”x 26” or larger (light-weight masonite works best) 
– Newsprint pad – 18”x 24” – rough surface recommended 
– Bull dog clamps or similar to attach pad to board 
– Medium and Support Items: 
– Vine charcoal, thin and fat pieces
– Choice of conte crayon, 6B graphite pencil or sticks, china marker, compressed charcoal, carbon pencils, or any suitable medium for drawing on newsprint 
– Large kneaded eraser 
– Pink pearl eraser
– Portable pencil sharpener or utility knife (best for soft/medium pencils)
– Clean small rags 
– Sandpaper pad for sharpening drawing mediums 
– Stumps for blending (optional)

Life Drawing: Open Studio

Wednesdays, April 6 – 27 / 6 – 9 pm

Improve your life drawing skills and explore a variety of media while working freely from a nude model in this popular open studio class. The instructor will be present to coordinate class and offer instruction upon request. Both male and female models will be posed and drawn.

Instructor: Jerry Stinson 
Ages: Adults (18+) / All Levels

The following are suggested basic supplies – all media are welcome, so please bring whatever supplies you need for whichever media you are using. 
– Drawing board – 20”x 26” or larger (light-weight masonite works best) 
– Newsprint pad – 18”x 24” – rough surface recommended 
– Bull dog clamps or similar to attach pad to board 
– Medium and Support Items: 
– Vine charcoal, thin and fat pieces
– Choice of conte crayon, 6B graphite pencil or sticks, china marker, compressed charcoal, carbon pencils, or any suitable medium for drawing on newsprint 
– Large kneaded eraser 
– Pink pearl eraser
– Portable pencil sharpener or utility knife (best for soft/medium pencils)
– Clean small rags 
– Sandpaper pad for sharpening drawing mediums 
– Stumps for blending (optional)

Introduction to Mixed Media and Encaustic Painting Techniques

Tuesdays, February 23 – March 8 / 5:30 – 8:30 pm

Come join us for three weeks of mixed media play and get a taste for all that encaustic (hot wax) has to offer. This class will include a brief overview of the basic encaustic skills and then dive deeper into exploring the best ways to marry various mediums with wax. We will be playing with inks, charcoal, watercolor, mica powders, oils, and collage. Week one will focus on surfaces and backgrounds. We will make some of our own custom surfaces to work on and explore different ways of adding transparent colors and pattern. Week two will focus on collage and transfer techniques with clear wax to add images to the mix. Week three will focus on techniques that add details to our work, like stitching, incising, and mica powders. Students may complete a piece each week focusing on different techniques or continue working on pieces throughout the three weeks. 

Instructor: Jessica Weems
Ages: Adult (15+) / All levels


Any mixed media supplies you already own and love (stamps, inks, paints, pens, but no acrylic can be used with wax).

To collage this can be anything on medium-weight to tissue-weight paper, even napkins! A class selection will also be made available to play and experiment with.

Photocopied Images/Text/Papers
To transfer these must be toner-based PHOTOCOPIES from a copy shop (Staples, Kinkos, etc.) of any images/text/maps/illustration. Laser prints should also work. Ink-based images WILL NOT TRANSFER! Must be toner! Transferring will FLIP/MIRROR the images so get them mirror-flipped when photocopying to fix this.

Any scraping/carving tools you already own (many will be provided if you do not have any)

Miniature Pine Needle Baskets

Sunday, January 17 / 10 am – 2 pm

Create a miniature pine needle basket using natural materials. Learn from the basket making tradition of Audrey Frank’s native Nevadan Washoe/Paiute culture. Explore weaving methods by combining pine needles, Sinew and raffia in this one-day workshop. 

Instructor: Audrey Frank 
Ages: 15 and Up / All Levels

Required Supplies: Small sewing scissors, small hand towel/dishtowel. Instructor to provide raffia, pine needles, thread.

Mixed Media Encaustics

Sunday, January 31 / 10 am – 4 pm

No medium is more versatile or addictive than encaustic. Hot wax plays nicely with a range of other mediums to provide stunning outcomes. This class will include a brief overview of the basic encaustic skills and then dive deeper into exploring the best ways to marry various mediums with wax. Come and learn how other medium can combine with wax underneath, in the middle of, and on top of encaustic. Students will complete 2-3 small panels. 

Instructor: Jessica Weems 
Ages: 15 and Up / All Levels 

Required Supplies: 
Any scraping/carving tools you already own (share supply will be provided) 
Any objects to embed, such as bones, rocks, gears, pottery pieces, nails, etc.

Animal Illustrations in Ink and Watercolor

Sunday, April 17 / 10 am – 3 pm

Learn to combine the texturing of ink and the vibrancy of watercolor to create whimsical works of animals and plants.  This class is designed to teach basic approaches to animal illustrations.  No experience necessary.  

Instructor: Carroll Charlet
Ages: Adult (15+) All levels

Supply list: 

Watercolor Paint, Paper (140 lb cold press) and Pallet.

NOTE: If you don’t have your own kit you may purchase a kit which will include paper, paint and a pallet for $10 directly from the instructor. Please e-mail carrollcharlet@sbcglobal.net in advance so it can be prepared. 

Additional required supplies:

No 8 or No 6 pointed watercolor brush

Micron black ink pens 005 and 01

HB pencil and eraser

Two water containers

Roll of paper towels

Supply list questions – carrollcharlet@sbcglobal.net

*Materials available at Nevada Fine Arts. Mention class registration for a 10% discount.

Radiant Mandalas: Meditative Drawing and Journaling

Wednesday, December 16 / 10 am – 2 pm

Participants will explore the origins of the mandala (radiant) and the significance of these designs in various cultures. They will experience the joy of learning the construction techniques that allow the inner self to manifest in a physical design filled with color and intricacy. Students will learn to still their minds and bodies in order to relax and allow mandalas to flow onto the paper. They will discover through the significance of color and points the inner world they reveal. All necessary materials will be provided but, if you have already have a journal and your own colored pencils and pens that you enjoy using, please bring them.

Instructor: Kaleigh Surber
Ages: 15 and up / All Levels