Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.

Intro to Printmaking: Linoleum Block Prints

Contemporary linoleum block printing is an exciting, economical, and accessible alternative to traditional woodblock printmaking. Linoleum blocks can be easily printed at home with little set-up. Students will learn to transfer an image to a block, use tools to carve, register multiple layers, use a press, and print by hand. Class time will be dedicated to demonstrations of techniques, and ample working time with one-on-one instruction. Students will be able to use their blocks to create holiday cards or work to be hung on the wall! No printmaking experience is necessary! Students should bring in photographs, images from magazines, or drawings for inspiration. All other materials such as inks, paper, blocks, and carving tools are provided and included with your registration. 

Saturday, October 15
10 am – 2 pm

Instructor: Christina Michael
Ages: Adult ( 15+) | All Levels


Intro to Printmaking: Linoleum Block Prints

Contemporary linoleum block printing is an exciting, economical, and accessible alternative to traditional woodblock printmaking. Linoleum blocks can be easily printed at home with little set-up. Students will learn to transfer an image to a block, use tools to carve, register multiple layers, use a press, and print by hand. Class time will be dedicated to demonstrations of techniques, and ample working time with one-on-one instruction. Students will be able to use their blocks to create holiday cards or work to be hung on the wall! No printmaking experience is necessary! Students should bring in photographs, images from magazines, or drawings for inspiration. All other materials such as inks, paper, blocks, and carving tools are provided and included with your registration. 

Saturday, September 17
10 am – 2 pm

Instructor: Christina Michael
Ages: Adult ( 15+) | All Levels


Drawing: Introduction to Portraiture

This class teaches the proportions of the face and techniques of how to draw a portrait from observation. Includes an in-depth study of how to draw the eyes, nose, mouth, and ears. Through presentations, demonstrations and practice students will learn how to draw a portrait of a live model.

Tuesdays, November 29 – December 13
6 – 9 pm

Instructor: Weston Lee
Ages: Adult (15+) | All Levels

Supply list: Show email confirmation at Nevada Fine Arts for a 10% discount. 

  • 18 x 24” pad of newsprint (drawing paper)
  • 1 sheet of Canson pastel paper – medium gray
  • Vine charcoal (sometimes called willow charcoal)
  • Regular pencil
  • 2B, 4B, and 6B graphite pencils
  • 4B charcoal pencil
  • White charcoal pencil (suggest “Generals” brand)
  • Kneaded eraser (any size)
  • Pink pearl eraser or “Magic Rub” eraser
  • Optional: pencil sharpener


Drawing II: Linear and Atmospheric Perspective

Learn to draw buildings and room interiors. Offered for continuing beginning and intermediate students. Drawing ll builds on the fundamentals of Drawing l with focus on working conceptually. You will learn how to create the illusion of space using both linear and atmospheric perspective, as well as the use of cross-contour line to express 3-dimensional volume.

Thursdays, October 13 – November 17
6 – 9 pm

Instructor: Weston Lee
Ages: Adult (15+) | Beginner/Intermediate

Supply list: Show email confirmation at Nevada Fine Arts for a 10% discount. 

  • 18 x 24” pad of drawing paper (or “sketch” paper)
  • Regular pencil
  • 2B, 4B, and 6B graphite pencils
  • Pink pearl eraser or “Magic Rub” eraser
  • Ruler or straight edge, 18 or 24”
  • Optional: pencil sharpener


Drawing I: Fundamentals

This is an introductory drawing class with an emphasis on the fundamentals of how to draw what you see, and how to make things look 3-dimensional by modeling form with light and shadow. Focus will be primarily on creating original compositions of still life’s in developing these skills with the final class session including how to apply these techniques to drawing the figure.

Tuesdays, August 23 – September 27
6 – 9 pm

Instructor: Weston Lee
Ages: Adult (15+) | All Levels

Supply list: Show email confirmation at Nevada Fine Arts for a 10% discount.

  • 18 x 24” pad of newsprint (drawing paper)
  • Vine charcoal (sometimes called willow charcoal)
  • Regular pencil
  • 2B, 4B, and 6B graphite pencils
  • Kneaded eraser (any size)
  • Pink pearl eraser or “Magic Rub” eraser
  • Optional: pencil sharpener


Painting Intensive: Landscapes from Photographs in Oil or Acrylic

Working in oil paint, students will explore value divisions in landscapes and the basics of brush sketching and massing. With these skills students will learn how to relate color to value and will gain a better understanding of identifying spatial cues in a landscape. Using foundational skills students can then explore under-painting, glazing and dry-brushing techniques.

Saturday and Sunday, October 1 and 2
9 am – 2 pm

Instructor: Daniel Helzer
Ages: 15 and up | All Levels

  • Supply list: Show email confirmation at Nevada Fine Arts for a 10% discount.

    • Canvas Board 16×12 or smaller
    • Palette Knife
    • Palette
    • Paper Towels
    • Selection of bristle brushes (small, med and large)
    • Assortment of brushes.
    • Palette knife, paper towels and a few canvas boards, 8×10 or bigger.

    Paint Colors:

    • Cobalt Blue
    • Ultramarine Blue
    • Thalo Blue
    • Dioxazine Purple
    • Cadmium Red Light
    • Cadmium Yellow or Hansa Yellow
    • Burnt Sienna
    • Titanium White

    For Oils: Gamsol, turpentine or walnut oil for use as a brush medium or cleaner.


Painting Intensive: The Portrait in Oil or Acrylic

Students will be introduced to portrait painting techniques in this weekend intensive. Instructor will cover such topics as using a two-color palette, value scales, keying a painting, as well as, using both line and mass to create a portrait. Students may use acrylic or oil paint.

Saturday and Sunday, September 17 and 18
9 am – 2 pm

Instructor: Daniel Helzer
Ages: 15 and up | All Levels

Supply list: Show email confirmation at Nevada Fine Arts for a 10% discount.

  • Oil/Acrylic colors:
  • White
  • Black
  • Ultramarine Blue
  • Yellow (Hansa Yellow, Cadmium Yellow or something similar)
  • Assortment of brushes.
  • Red (Cadmium Red, Alizarin Crimson or something similar)
  • Palette knife, paper towels and a few canvas boards, 8×10 or bigger.

For Oils: Gamsol, turpentine or walnut oil for use as a brush medium or cleaner.

Introduction to Glass Art: Torch Working and Beadmaking

Create beads and more in this hands-on introductory glass art course. Students will explore the amazing world of lampworking by utilizing clear and colored glass rods, along with various tools and techniques. Learn more about the process of melting, shaping, and forming the glass…then annealing your finished pieces. Additionally, students will learn about the science, history, technology, and culture of this unique medium.

Students will focus on:

1. Safety and material practices are covered and emphasized throughout this course.

2. Turning torches on and operating equipment, tools, and flame techniques. 

3. Participants will learn how to create bead forms while exploring various techniques, applications, and styles. 

4. Students will have open studio time to create their own work after learning the basics.

All supplies are provided.

Thursday, October 13
5 – 9 pm

Instructor: Robb Dunmore
Age: Adult (15+) | All levels

Introduction to Glass Art: Suncatchers and Coasters

Create suncatchers and coasters in this hands-on introductory glass art course. Students will explore the amazing world of kiln-formed glass art by utilizing clear and colored flat glass and recycled art glass, along with various tools and techniques. Learn more about the process of designing, cutting, melting, and kiln-forming the glass…then annealing your finished pieces. Additionally, students will learn about the science, history, technology, and culture of this unique medium. All supplies are provided. 

Students will focus on:

1. Safety and material practices are covered and emphasized throughout this course.

2. Techniques for handling glass, using tools, and operating equipment. 

3. Participants will learn how to create fused glass forms while exploring various techniques, applications, and styles. 

4. Students will have open studio time to create their own work after learning the basics.

Saturday, September 17
10 am – 2 pm

Instructor: Robb Dunmore
Ages: Adult (15+) | All levels

Sensory Play in Paint for Babies

Witness your child’s first painting with no mess at home. Your little one will make a creative keepsake for the family to cherish. Not only is finger painting tons of fun, it is also an excellent feeling (kinesthetic) experience and is fantastic for the development of all the big and small muscles in your growing child’s fingers, arms, shoulders, neck and back. Finger painting is wonderful for the development of color recognition, experimentation and color mixing and is terrific for developing creativity.

Dress for a mess! Messy play for babies and toddlers is crucial to healthy sensory development. Messy activities provide important foundational building blocks, sensory experiences and muscle and brain growth, all of which prepare children for later success and learning. 

Sunday, October 9
11 am – noon

Instructor: Makayla Butler
Ages: 6 months – 3 years

Supply List: Change of clothes/diaper and a towel