The Café will be closed for remodel from Aug 12 through Sept 5, 2024. | Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.

Unseen: Anne Brigman Art Hike with Trails & Vistas: 9:30 AM Hike

Join artists, musicians, dancers, and poets near Donner Pass for this unforgettable 2-mile art hike organized by Trails & Vistas, an art-in-nature nonprofit organization active in the Sierra since 2004. This unique outdoor trail experience retraces the steps of Anne Brigman and includes multiple art stops inspired by Brigman’s photographs and experiences in the Sierra.

This family-friendly event is organized by Nancy Tieken Lopez, Artistic Director and Founder of Trails & Vistas, in collaboration with the Nevada Museum of Art. Featured performers include: Jean Fournier, poet; Sophie Moeller, Elizabeth Archer, InnerRhythms Dance Theatre; dancer Leigh Collins; Meri Superak, North American Flute; vocalist Angelika Schafer; performance artists Tamboura Monochard, Courtney Hartman and Rossella Scapini; visual artists Cathee Van Rossem St. Clair, Bobby Bowes, Nancy Tieken Lopez, and Lorna Denton.

All art hikes last approximately 2 – 2.5 hours and depart from Donner Ski Ranch Lodge at 9:30 am, 10:00 am, 10:30 am and 11:00 am. Each group is limited to 25 participants.  You may only attend the hike during the time you have registered for. 

Please arrive at the Donner Ski Ranch Lodge (19320 Donner Pass Rd, Norden, CA 95724) at least 20 minutes prior to your hikes departure.

This is an easy/moderate hike, led by a trail guide along a dirt and stone single track trail, rated as easy to moderate with some inclines and uneven trail surfaces. Hiking footwear, water, and sun protection are recommended. Please refrain from bringing pets, cameras, cell phone or strollers on the hike, this is a day to unplug from technology and reconnect to nature.

Special thanks our partner Donner Ski Ranch    

Docents in the Galleries: Anne Brigman

The series provides opportunities for community conversation, learning, and informed discussion about art and creativity, followed by questions and dialogue designed to engage the audience. Join highly skilled and knowledgeable Docents in the gallery for an in-depth discovery of Anne Brigman: A Visionary in Modern Photography.

Support for the Art Bite series comes from Nevada Arts Council and Nevada Humanities & the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Docents in the Galleries: Anne Brigman

The series provides opportunities for community conversation, learning, and informed discussion about art and creativity, followed by questions and dialogue designed to engage the audience. Join highly skilled and knowledgeable Docents in the gallery for an in-depth discovery of Anne Brigman: A Visionary in Modern Photography.

Support for the Art Bite series comes from Nevada Arts Council and Nevada Humanities & the National Endowment for the Humanities.

Docents in the Galleries: Anne Brigman

The series provides opportunities for community conversation, learning, and informed discussion about art and creativity, followed by questions and dialogue designed to engage the audience. Join highly skilled and knowledgeable Docents in the gallery for an in-depth discovery of Anne Brigman: A Visionary in Modern Photography.

Support for the Art Bite series comes from Nevada Arts Council and Nevada Humanities & the National Endowment for the Humanities.

SOLD OUT:Smoke Goddess: Judy Chicago on Land Art and the Desert, In Conversation with Philipp Kaiser

Debra and Dennis Scholl Distinguished Speaker Series

Join artist and icon Judy Chicago in conversation with curator Philipp Kaiser as they discuss Chicago’s work from the early 1970s and her response to the male-dominated Land Art scene. Chicago’s Atmospheres were pyrotechnic performances with the goal of feminizing the environment and reclaiming the landscape. Chicago’s work is featured in Laid Bare in the Landscape.

A book signing will follow the conversation. Doors will open at 5 pm for merchandise sales and a cash bar.


Judy Chicago is an artist, educator, author, and humanist whose work and life are models for an enlarged definition of art, an expanded role for the artist, and women’s rights to freedom of expression. Chicago’s most well-known and widely-acclaimed work is The Dinner Party, which is the centerpiece of the Elizabeth A. Sackler Center for Feminist Art at the Brooklyn Museum. Her larger body of work, including her groundbreaking firework performances, are only being rediscovered and celebrated today.

Philipp Kaiser in an independent curator and critic based in Los Angeles. He is the former senior curator of Museum of Contemporary Art, in Los Angeles, where he curated Ends of the Earth: Land Art to 1974 (2012). He is the former director of the Museum Ludwig in Cologne, Germany and organized the Swiss Pavilion at the 2017 Venice Biennale.

Winter Solstice Yoga Celebration: An Homage to Anne Brigman

Join us for an evening of yoga, reflection, poetry, and conversation.

This Sky Room program will consist of modifiable yoga sequences to honor the Winter Solstice, peppered with select poetry readings from Songs of a Pagan, followed by tea and conversation.

All levels of yoga practitioners are welcome, including first-timers.

Schedule of Events

5:00 pm – 5:30 pm | Gather, Greet, and Center

5:30 pm – 5:45 pm | Introduction to Anne Brigman and the Solstice

5:45 pm – 7:45 pm | Yoga and Poetry

7:45 pm – 8:30 pm | Tea and Reflection

Ann M. Wolfe on Laid Bare in the Landscape: The Legacy of Anne W. Brigman

To compare the landscape photographs of Anne Brigman to works by her feminist counterparts of the latter twentieth and early twenty-first centuries is to weave a new thread through generations of visionary women artists who have aimed to further alternative ways of seeing and knowing.

Anne: In Her Own Words Matinee

Not only a photographer, Anne Brigman was also a writer, critic, poet, and actor who was an advocate for women’s freedom during the suffrage movement and an influential voice in her East Bay Area community.

This theatrical presentation tells the story of Brigman’s life in her own words.

Starring Mary Bennett, professional actor, educator, theater maker and Producing Artistic Director of Bruka Theater as Anne Brigman. Written in collaboration with Ann M. Wolfe.

Anne: In Her Own Words

Not only a photographer, Anne Brigman was also a writer, critic, poet, and actor who was an advocate for women’s freedom during the suffrage movement and an influential voice in her East Bay Area community.

This theatrical presentation tells the story of Brigman’s life in her own words.

Starring Mary Bennett, professional actor, educator, theater maker and Producing Artistic Director of Bruka Theater as Anne Brigman. Written in collaboration with Ann M. Wolfe.

Barbara Stein on Annie Montague Alexander and the Rise of Science in the American West

Sponsored by our partner, the DRI Research Foundation.

Annie Montague Alexander (1867–1950) was an intrepid explorer, amateur naturalist, skilled markswoman, philanthropist, farmer, and founder of two natural history museums at UC Berkeley. Working with scientists, Alexander joined research expeditions in Alaska, the Pacific Northwest, Northern California, the Eastern Sierra, and Nevada–where she took part in the 1905 Saurian Expedition and ichthyosaur excavation in the West Humboldt Range.

Barbara R. Stein offers a portrait of this remarkable woman, a pioneer who helped shape the world of science, yet whose name has been little known until now.