The Café will be closed for remodel from Aug 12 through Sept 5, 2024. | Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.

The Folk & the Lore: Stories of Lake Tahoe

Originally scheduled for Thursday, November 19, the Stories of Lake Tahoe event has been rescheduled for Friday, December 19 at 6pm.

The Folk & the Lore focuses its attention on Lake Tahoe and brings together a handful of live and digitally recorded storytellers to share their interesting, compelling, funny, and poignant tales.

Meet the Artist: Tom Killion on Prints and Printmakers of Lake Tahoe

Join printmaker Tom Killion for a discussion and presentation about the history of the prints and printmakers who have made work about Lake Tahoe.

Educational and public programming sponsored by Dorothy Lemelson

Contemporary Spotlight: Erika Osborne

Learn about Erika Osborne’s commissioned work and ideas about the trees and forests surrounding Lake Tahoe, including fire management efforts and the relationship of forests to the health of the lake’s hydrology.

Educational and public programming sponsored by Dorothy Lemelson

Shelley Fisher Fishkin on Chinese-American History and Lake Tahoe

Stanford University professor Shelley Fisher Fishkin examines the role Chinese workers played in the creation of the trans-continental railroad that made Lake Tahoe accessible to visitors in the nineteenth century.

Educational and public programming sponsored by Dorothy Lemelson

Alfred Harrison on Lorenzo Latimer at Lake Tahoe

Members of the Latimer Arts Club were the founding volunteers of the Nevada Art Gallery–now the Nevada Museum of Art. Join Alfred Harrison for an exploration of Lorenzo Latimer’s contributions to the art history of the region.

Educational and public programming sponsored by Dorothy Lemelson

Catherine Fowler and Darla Gary-Sage Discuss Washoe Functional Basketry

Join anthropologists Dr. Catherine Fowler and Dr. Darla Garey-Sage to learn more about their research related to the materials and functional uses of woven Washoe baskets.

Educational and public programming sponsored by Dorothy Lemelson

Lordy Rodriguez on Drawing Lake Tahoe

Lordy Rodriguez’s large-scale drawing explores the visual language of cartography and ideas about the lake’s place in the memory and imagination of visitors and residents alike.

Educational and public programming sponsored by Dorothy Lemelson

Cancelled: Alan Hess on Frank Lloyd Wright’s Designs for the (Unbuilt) Lake Tahoe Summer Colony

CANCELLED: Due to a medical emergency, the speaker for Friday, Alan Hess, is unable to participate in the Art Bite program. The Nevada Museum of Art apologizes for the inconvenience. 

Architecture historian Alan Hess explores the unbuilt architectural heritage of Lake Tahoe including Frank Lloyd Wright’s speculative 1923 designs for a summer colony on Emerald Bay.

Educational and public programming sponsored by Dorothy Lemelson

Meet the Artist: Phyllis Shafer

Painter Phyllis Shafer calls the Lake Tahoe Basin home. Learn how Lake Tahoe and its surroundings have influenced her plein air paintings.

Educational and public programming sponsored by Dorothy Lemelson

Michael Branch on John Muir’s Tahoe Journal

Dr. Michael Branch, one of the foremost scholars of John Muir’s journals, discusses Muir’s 1888 visit to Lake Tahoe and the journal on display in the exhibition.

Educational and public programming sponsored by Dorothy Lemelson