“We Were Lost in Our Country" will be temporarily closed Feb. 4 – 7 as part of the Museum’s expansion efforts. The exhibition will reopen on Saturday, Feb. 8

Disturbances in the Field:
Art in the High Desert from Andrea Zittel’s A-Z West to High Desert Test Sites

Barbara and Tad Danz Gallery | Floor 3

Founded by Andrea Zittel in 2002, High Desert Test Sites (HDTS) is a nonprofit arts organization based in Joshua Tree, California. Located on 100 acres owned by Zittel, HDTS is dedicated to “learning from what we are not” and the belief that learning from the high desert community can offer new insight and perspectives, often challenging art to take on new areas of relevancy. HDTS is known for its roving biennial events featuring artworks installed in diverse desert locations, and its programs that include performances, workshops, film screenings, publications, residencies, excursions, as well as two well-known community-based programs known as Kip’s Desert Book Club and High Desert Test Kitchen. This exhibition features highlights from the HDTS archives, recently acquired by the Nevada Museum of Art. A significant portion of this collection was originally exhibited and curated by Sohrab Mohebbi and Aram Moshayedi in An Ephemeral History of High Desert Test Sites: 2002-2015. This exhibition is guest curated by Brooke Hodge.

Additional Support

Heidi Allyn Loeb
