“We Were Lost in Our Country" will be temporarily closed Feb. 4 – 7 as part of the Museum’s expansion efforts. The exhibition will reopen on Saturday, Feb. 8

Hunt Rettig:
Cracked and Absorbed

Earl and Wanda Casazza Gallery | Floor 2

Colorado artist Hunt Rettig’s three-dimensional, mixed media assemblages are made with unexpected combinations of materials, including polyester film, synthetic rubber, plastic, wood, silicone, metal nuts and bolts, and acrylic paints. Possessed of preternatural luminosity and largely indecipherable construction, these works are suggestive of the organic, the cellular, the sensual, and the bodily.

With respect to his vision, Rettig explains: “Within my terrain I see cross sections of cross sections, unnatural confluences, unnavigable borders, unrestricted constriction and breath-like expansion. Especially with plantlike forms I see what I can best describe as the invisibly visible…landscapes unnatural yet natural at the same time.”