In-Person Educator Evening: April Bey – Atlantica, The Gilda Region
Take a journey to the imagined planet of Atlantica with Carmen Beals, Associate Curator, and Megan Bellister, Curator of Learning and Engagement, and explore themes of science fiction, colonialism, diversity and inclusion in the artwork of April Bey. Learn about Afrofuturist art and storytelling and how to integrate ideas about diversity, equity, and inclusion in your classroom.
Educator Evenings are a FREE professional development series hosted both in-person and virtually, offering state-approved professional development hours for participation. Professional development hours are available for participating in the Educator Evenings and issued upon request.
Educator Evenings are sponsored by the Robert Z. Hawkins Foundation, Bank of America and the Nell J. Redfield Foundation.
STEAM education programs at the Nevada Museum of Art are sponsored by Tesla and Waste Management.