Threads of Tradition: Tribal Member Day
Threads of Tradition: Celebrating 25 Years of the Great Basin Native Basketweavers Association, a gathering organized by GBNBA and presented at the Nevada Museum of Art, brings together a day of basketweaving workshops taught by Native weavers exclusively for Tribal community members.
This day is only open to Tribal community members and members of the Great Basin Native Basketweavers Association. Not a member of GBNBA? Enroll here or at the event.
Day-of Schedule:
9am-5pm: Concurrent Workshops (boxed lunch included in price of registration)
*Featured workshops include Twine Bowl, Tule Duck Decoy, Willow Rattle, Miniature Cradle Board, and many others. First come, first served sign-ups at the door.
5:30-6:30pm: Buffet Dinner (included in price of registration)
Don’t forget to join us for the Threads of Tradition: Community Day! More information here.