Getting Started with Oils: An Introduction to Painting Techniques and Tools
9 am – noon
CANCELED: Please see our listings for upcoming painting classes.
This course is intended to introduce students to traditional painting techniques using oils. Students will gain a good foundational working knowledge of how to setup subjects, blocking, brushwork, mixing color and the use of Neo Megilp medium. The “ala prima” (in one sitting) also called “direct painting” technique will be taught in making still life paintings. Each lesson begins with the concepts to be covered, demonstration of the techniques, hands on experience and ends with suggested homework to be critiqued at the next lesson.
Monday – Friday, May 13 – 17
9 am – noon
Instructor: David McCamant
Ages: Adult (15+) / Beginners welcome
SUPPORTS – Inexpensive canvas boards or panels. Students who wish to do the homework will need to double the number of panels.
1 – 11″ x 14” (OPTIONAL – add one more for homework)
2 – 8″ x 10″ (OPTIONAL – add two more for homework)
3 – 6″ x 8″ (OPTIONAL – add three more for homework)
OIL PAINT – One (1) – 37 ml tube of ARTIST quality oil paint of each color, RED, MAGENTA, YELLOW, BLUE, CYAN, BLACK and WHITE.. The different manufacturers listed below are to enable accurate color matching between brands.
RED -Cadmium Red Windsor Newton
-Cadmium Red Medium Gamblin
-Cadmium Berium Red (not deep) Grumbacher
MAGENTA -Permanent Rose Windsor Newton
-Quinacridone Red Gamblin
-Quinacridone Red Grumbacher
YELLOW -Windsor Yellow Windsor Newton
-Hansa Yellow Medium Gamblin
-Cadmium Yellow Light Grumbacher
BLUE -French Ultramarine Blue Windsor Newton
-French Ultramarine Blue Grumbacher
-Ultramarine Blue Gamblin
CYAN -Thalo Blue Grumbacher
-Phthalo Blue Gamblin
BLACK -Ivory Black Windsor Newton
-Ivory Black Gamblin
-Ivory Black Grumbacher
Two (2) – 37 ml tubes or One (1)- 150 ml tube
WHITE -Titanium White Windsor Newton
-Titanium White Gamblin
-Titanium White Grumbacher
PAINTING MEDIUM – Neo MeGilp Medium 2oz or Larger
You may bring whatever oil paint you have as long as they are the correct hues or colors. If you are on a tight budget, you might try Windsor Newton Winton or Grumbacher Academe student oil colors.
PAINTING MEDIUM – Neo MeGilp Medium 2oz or Larger
BRUSHES – Any artist quality long handled bristle brushes will do. Recommend Connoisseur brand #2106 pure synthetic oil paint brushes (VERY IMPORTANT
One (1) each #6 and #8 Long-Handled Filberts (OPTIONAL – add a #4 and #10)
PALETTE – Gray Matters, palette paper or equivalent
CLEANING JAR – Silicoil cleaning jar or other small jar with lid
CLEANING SOLUTION – 1 – 8oz bottle of artist grade Walnut oil
BRUSH CLEANER – 2.5 OZ small cake of The Masters Brush Cleaner
PAPER TOWELS – 1 roll of BLUE shop paper towels (OPTIONAL – add one more for homework)
WET PANEL CARRIER – inexpensive cookie sheet covered in aluminum foil or aluminum roasting pan for wet painting transport