Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.

Summer Intensive: Batik Papers for Books, Boxes and Cards

Tuesday – Thursday, June 13 – 15 / 9 am – 3 pm

Create beautiful books and cards using the Javanese tradition of batik. With tjanting tools in hand, participants will dip into melted wax and draw lines, shapes, and letters on papers which will later be brightly painted with dyes. Wax will be ironed out, and the papers are then ready for measuring, cutting, and folding into unique projects. Adding words comes next with the introduction and practice of a monoline alphabet style. You will be delighted with the process and your artworks!

Instructor: Carol Pallesen
Ages: Adults (15+) / All levels

Supply List:

  • Pencil
  • Eraser & sharpener
  • Bone folder
  • Ruler (12″ or 18″ metal, cork-backed ruler)
  • Watercolor and/or sumi brushes (whatever you have, in a variety of sizes)
  • Inexpensive brushes in 1″ and/or 2″ size (available in hardware stores for less than a dollar)
  • X-acto knife and cutting surface
  • Scissors
  • Water jar
  • Gloves (if you’re concerned about dye stains on your hands; they wash off in a day or so)
  • An old rag, and/or an old sponge
  • Wear grubbies and/or apron
  • Pigma pen (01 black; other colors and brands are fine)
  • Practice paper (a few sheets about 8½″ x 11″ or 9″ x 12″, thin enough to see guidelines through; I like Strathmore 300 Sketch)
  • An extra-fine gold and/or silver metallic pen
  • Any line drawings or patterns which you might find inspiring while you make your wax lines on the papers (I’ll bring some ideas to share with you)
  • One full roll of paper towels
  • Scratch paper (about 40 – 50 sheets of 8½” x 11” or a bit larger, used computer or xerox paper: reduce, recycle, reuse!)
  • A shoe box lid or similar (helpful to carry dyes on lid from my table to yours in the classroom)
  • Pointed nib and nib holder (such as a Nikko G or Zebra nib)
  • Gold, silver, and/or white gouache and mixing dish
  • Two sheets of Arches text wove paper, 26″ x 40″
  • Water container to rinse out brushes (large yogurt or similar plastic container; lightweight and you can pack other items in it for travel)
  • Glue stick (I like UHU)
  • Cutting surface: about 8″ x 10″ or 9″ x 12″ (self-healing mat or scrap of matboard or whatever you have)

Please contact Carol, 775-329-6983 or email carol.pallesen@gmail.com with supply questions or if you need to borrow something.

Book Arts
June 13, 2017 9 am – 3 pm