Due to construction, Museum parking may be limited at the time of your visit. Look for additional parking in free or metered spaces along nearby streets.
The Environmental Portrait: Shooting on Location

The Environmental Portrait: Shooting on Location

Thursdays, October 13 – 27 / 6 – 9 pm

Explore portrait photography techniques for shooting on location (as opposed to in a studio setting). Students will work with live models and will experiment with light, including natural and artificial, posing, site selection, permissions and setting a mood within the photographic environment.

NOTE: Classes are taught off site. Class on will be taught at Jeff Ross’ Studio with subsequent classes taught at locations TBA on the first day of class.

Instructor: Jeff Ross
Ages: Adult (15+) and Up / Intermediate Levels (students must be familiar and comfortable with their DSLR camera settings)

Required Supplies: Digital slr with manual control for shutter speed and aperture, computer with image editing software, flash drive to transport images.

Photography / Video
October 13, 2016 6 – 9 pm